QT Cinderella’s Shit Camp is back this year for another week of in-person interactions between some of Twitch and YouTube’s most well-known content creators.
Just about all of the big names you’d expect will be in attendance, including Valkyrae, Ludwig, and Hasan, but what is perhaps more notable are some of the names that you won’t see.
While his name was in the trailer for the event as a confirmed attendee, xQc has stated that he does not plan on going because Sodapoppin will not be there. It is unclear if xQc’s comments during a stream earlier this week were a joke or if he truly won’t be in attendance.
Along with xQc, a trio of Texas content creators that live together, Sodapoppin, Nick Polom, and Malena were not listed as going. Malena has spoken on-stream explaining that next week she has off-stream personal commitments that conflict with Shit Camp’s schedule.
Meanwhile, Sodapoppin’s lack of attendance likely comes because of similar scheduling-related reasons. Blizzard earlier this week opened up fresh WoW Classic servers for the Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch, and since Tuesday, Soda has been consumed by WoW, trying to level a new character as quickly as possible in preparation for the upcoming Classic expansion.
Just prior to Shit Camp’s start, Poke, who was previously scheduled to attend, posted to Twitter that he needed to stay home from the event to address mental health issues that involved anxiety. His partner Gigi also decided not to attend following Poke’s decision.
Who is going to Shit Camp 2022?
Here are all of the content creators that QTCinderella has confirmed for Shit Camp 2022. This list may be updated as more faces pop up in and around Shit Camp.
- Adept
- Valkyrae
- AustinShow
- Maya
- Hasan
- Will Neff
- Kaceytron
- Cyr
- Myth
- Ludwig
- Brittany “Britt” Alexander
- Zoil
- Rich Campbell
- Erobb
Published: Sep 6, 2022 6:23 PM UTC