Ultra Adventure Week is here for Pokémon Go, bringing players into the Season of Go with its first non-Go Fest event of the season.
Running from June 7 to June 12, players will be encountering an increased number of Fossil and general Rock-type Pokémon. This includes the introduction of Tyrunt and Amaura, along with Shiny Tirtouga and Archen.
Prior to Go Fest 2022, this was just a normal event, but players around the world completed enough challenges to meet the Ultra Unlock requirements and add even more content to the now Ultra Adventure Week. This includes an Ultra Unlock: Research Day focusing on Cranidos, Shieldon, Tyrunt, and Amaura with its own Limited Field Research and boosted chances to encounter a Shiny Cranidos and Shieldon.
The core event also has new Field and Timed Research to complete, rewarding players with guaranteed encounters with all of the currently available Fossil Pokémon and extra Egg Incubators—to help capitalize on the event’s halved Egg Hatch Distance bonus. So if you are prepared to hike through some rocky terrain, here are all of the research tasks and rewards you need to focus on.
How to complete Ultra Adventure Week research tasks and rewards
Event-exclusive Field Research
- Catch 15 Rock-type Pokémon
- Omanyte encounter
- Kabuto encounter
- Earn three Candy exploring with your Buddy
- Tirtouga encounter
- Archen encounter
- Hatch two Eggs
- Aerodactyl encounter
- Hatch four Eggs
- Tirtouga encounter
- Archen encounter
- Spin 15 PokéStops you haven’t visited before
- Cranidos encounter
- Shieldon encounter
- Spin 15 PokéStops or Gyms
- Lileep encounter
- Anorith encounter
- Spin 25 PokéStops or Gyms
- Amaura encounter
- Walk 5km
- Tyrunt encounter
- Amaura encounter
Timed Research
- Walk 5km
- One Incubator
- Walk 10km
- One Incubator
- Walk 25km
- One Incubator
- Spin 50 PokéStops or Gyms
- Tyrunt encounter
- Earn five Candy with your Buddy
- Amaura encounter
Total Rewards: 5,000 XP, 2,500 Stardust, and three Rare Candy
Published: Jun 7, 2022 7:03 AM UTC