Overwatch 2’s PlayStation 5 player base has been struggling to play their online matches today thanks to undeniably low frame rate issues.
These gamebreaking frame rate drops seemingly impact everyone on the PS5, meaning no crossplay hero is safe if you’re using an Xbox controller. No matter the map, players will get beyond subpar frame rates in OW2 on the PS5, so maybe it’s worth taking a break by jumping over to a new console or even booting up your PlayStation 4—and this is exactly what players have been doing, according to social media posts today. Gamers have been rolling back the years by playing OW2 on their PS4 to avoid their frame rate woes. Unfortunately for PS5 players, this seems to be one of the only ways to avoid significant frame rate dips.

As of publication, gamers are still waiting for an explanation from the Blizzard developers. There’s currently no confirmed reason as to why this is happening. However, since PS5 frame rate troubles have been happening for at least 24 hours, according to reports from fans, speculation from the player base seemingly pins the blame on the Mauga update. The latest tank arrived roughly two days ago as part of OW2’s massive rollover to Season Eight. While his previous stint caused little to no issues, his return might’ve just broken the PS5 OW2 experience.
Players claimed it looked like a slideshow, especially with explosive-based characters like Junkrat. This “literally unplayable” frame rate issue will stick around until Blizzard releases a patch. The best way to keep an eye on that is through social media or developer blog posts on Blizzard’s website. Until we get an update, it seems PS5 gamers will have to suffer through choppy frame rates in their OW2 matches.
Published: Dec 7, 2023 12:03 AM UTC