Blizzard revealed more information about one of its new heroes coming to Overwatch 2 today during BlizzConline—it’s Sojourn, and they look like a lot of fun.
Exact details about Sojourn’s kit weren’t given, but the video broadcast by Blizzard just now showed her in action for the first time. And we now know what her weapon is, and it’s awesome—a railgun.
Sojourn was described as “one of people’s favorites” at Blizzard, thanks to their gun specifically. In the video, it looks like it has two firing modes, one being full-automatic fire and another being charged up railgun shots.
The footage of Sojourn was, disappointingly, quite short. And it’s still difficult to tell what kind of role they will play, but judging by their weapon, they seem to fit the bill as a Damage hero.
Previously, Blizzard revealed Sojourn as one of the new heroes in Overwatch 2 back at BlizzCon 2019. They’re the first of many new heroes that will likely be added to the game. As for Overwatch, Echo was confirmed by Blizzard to be the last hero added to the original game until the sequel comes out.
Overwatch 2, which will add new content like story missions and hero missions onto the existing Overwatch game, is in development with no known release date.
Published: Feb 19, 2021 11:36 PM UTC