You know the drill. The match is getting heated, the chat is blowing up, and all eyes seem to be on you. You’re doing your best—running heals, dodging enemy fire, trying not to scream when your diver throws themselves into the fray with no backup—but somehow, it’s still your fault when the team wipes.
This is the life of a Strategist main in Marvel Rivals, where the blame game is a time-honored tradition. While Strategists are used to shouldering a lot of responsibility, Reddit user Thanos-Is-Right (interesting choice of username) has had enough of the endless complaints about their pick. Taking to the Marvel Rivals subreddit to air their frustrations after a rough 13-minute match, Thanos-Is-Right talks out their teammates insisting they swap to a “better” Strategist because, apparently, picking Loki is a “throw” choice. (Cue eye-roll.)
“Last match of the night. I was blamed throughout the match because ‘we need a Luna, not Loki’ or ‘Loki, you aren’t doing anything. Swap.’ Luna is not the end-all-be-all of Strategists,” they ranted. “I can even hit fliers reliably! I keep you topped off, keep the damage flowing, and I piss off the enemy team enough to make them solo ult me. What more do you want?”

Despite clocking 33,900 heals, this Loki main got no credit and all the blame, even though the stats told a different story. Loki is not the easiest pick in the Strategist roster. His abilities require precision and strategy, and his Doppelganger clones—while incredible for both damage and healing—still rely on good positioning and timing.
Half of Loki’s kit is designed for healing, including the Regeneration Domain skill, which creates up to three healing zones for 100 HP per second. Add his mobility, ability to confuse enemies, and impressive damage output, and you’ve got a serious contender for the MVP slot—if your team can actually appreciate what’s happening.
But that’s the problem. Loki’s toolkit doesn’t scream “big shiny AoE heal,” which is apparently all some players can comprehend.
Of course, some of the blame falls squarely on the divers who expect miracles. One Redditor summed it up perfectly: “No Spider-Man should be asking for heals unless he is coming back and dropping down in front of you. Highly mobile divers like him need to be going for health packs.”
And yet, here we are, with Spider-Man mains swinging straight into danger, spamming the Need Healing command, and blaming their Strategist when they get obliterated.
It’s not just Spider-Man, either. Divers, in general, are notorious for diving headfirst into chaos without a plan or a backup. I’m quite fond of teammates who use health packs or swing back to me for heals rather than those who just throw themselves in and die a few seconds later.
So, why all the Loki hate? According to some players, it’s less about Loki’s capabilities and more about what people want out of a Strategist.
“They want people to pick the classes that make their play easier,” explained one Redditor. “Loki doesn’t necessarily do that since he doesn’t have one of those big AoE ults.”
It’s a selfish mindset, but one that persists—much to the frustration of Loki mains everywhere. Another Loki main chimed in with one of the most relatable complaints: “No one ever knows when I’m using my ultimate!”
Apparently, even in high ranks like Diamond II, players don’t recognize Loki’s ult voice line. “The fact that people don’t even know his ultimate voice line at that rank is insane to me,” they vented.
Imagine copying someone’s ultimate, making a game-winning play, and having your teammate take all the credit because they didn’t realize it was you.
For Strategist mains—especially Loki enthusiasts—the takeaway here is clear: you’re never going to please everyone; the criticism will always be there. But as Thanos-Is-Right so eloquently put it: “I have no intentions of stopping unless I’m having a bad game. Loki out.”
Published: Jan 23, 2025 05:16 am