Slavic Magic has shipped an experimental branch update for Manor Lords today through Patch 0.7.965, featuring balancing and bug fixes applied to areas like Militia Squads, taxes, and farming.
What is an experimental branch patch in Manor Lords?

The experimental branch Patch 0.7.965 in Manor Lords is a new beta version of the game. This means all players who have saves within the city builder need to back them up on Steam before updating the new patch. Not updating your saved progress “could result in the potential loss of progress,” according to Manor Lords devs.
How to find your saved progress in Manor Lords on Steam
Finding your saved progress in Manor Lords through Steam requires two steps.
- Press the Windows button and E at the same time on your PC keyboard.
- Paste this: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\SaveGames, into the search bar.
How to open Manor Lords experimental branch on Steam
To play on the Manor Lords experimental branch, players will need to follow these steps.
- Open the Steam client on your PC.
- Find Manor Lords in your Library and right-click on it.
- Select the Properties tab.
- Find the BETAS tab and enter the password “veryNiceBasket”.
- From the Beta participation dropdown, select “pre_release”.
- Wait for the game to update.
- Restart Steam if the game doesn’t automatically update.
- Launch the Manor Lords game.
What is new in the Manor Lords experimental branch patch?

Multiple balance changes and bug fixes were applied to Manor Lords through Patch 0.7.965. Of the changes made, the most notable were improvements applied to Farming and a new feature that prevents workers of specific buildings from setting up Marketplace stalls. Here are the full Manor Lords patch notes for today’s update, according to Slavic Magic.
Manor Lords feature | Manor Lords experimental patch fix and/or balance change |
Farming (Fields, Harvests, and Fertity) | Improvements were applied to field overlays and crop predictions. The Ox and worker behavior were optimized for enhanced accuracy. A yield will never increase past 100 percent. Fertility at zero percent can still produce a small yield. The maximum yield from a crop was increased from two to four. Fertility regeneration was doubled on Fallow Fields. Crop growth was reduced in speed by 30 percent. |
Sheep Breeding | The Developmental branch for Sheep Breeding has been capped and will no longer spawn Sheep exponentially. Sheep breeding is capped at one new lamb every 10 days. |
Militia Squads | Players can now hire up to six militia squads even if a retinue or mercenaries are employed. Any future changes will connect the six squad cap to the Lord’s rank. The Archer range was increased from 12 to 15. |
Construction Reserve | Buildings that use Planks for crafting now have a construction reserve setting. |
Tree Growth | The growth of new trees was reduced by 30 percent. |
Barter and Trading | Distribution from Marketplace stalls was improved. |
Marketplace Distribution | Distribution from Marketplace stalls was improved. |
Storehouses | Granary and Storehouse worker’s slots were adjusted to unify three Families at level one and six Families at level two. |
Water Well | Villagers may only get water from the well nearest to their home unless a fire occurs. |
Deposits | Iron and Clay deposits will no longer be generated on steep terrains. |
Experimental Marketplace feature | Distribution from Marketplace stalls was improved |
King Tax and Trade Route costs | Levels introduced through Patch 0.7.960 have been reduced. There is no Royal Tax for the first five years. After five years it is one Treasury per citizen. After 10 years it is two Treasury per citizen. And it is three Treasury per person after 15 years. |
Loserville bug | A “Loserville” mercenary bug has been fixed. |
Manor Lords Patch 0.7.965 bug fixes
Most bug fixes were minor but there are some important ones to single out from the Manor Lords update. Employed traders will no longer go to trade points without an open trade route. Farming workers’ early movement was improved to not transport items when crops were available. Bandit camps will no longer respawn upon loading and villagers will no longer stay at home thinking they’re under attack. Villagers can now set up stalls to sell produce like Carrots. And most importantly, Granary workers will no longer steal Ale from the Tavern.
Published: May 21, 2024 9:29 PM UTC