Growing and maintaining a Population in Manor Lords requires moving villagers into homes, but building Burgage Plots isn’t enough to get people to move in.
At the start of Manor Lords, your village consists of a handful of villagers who are homeless. Building Burgage Plots (homes) for people is important, but it’s a delicate balance. A surplus of food and fuel is mandatory before expanding homes or your villagers will starve or freeze. You also need a positive Approval rating or constructed homes will remain empty.
How to move Families into Burgage Plots in Manor Lords

The best way to move villagers into homes is to raise your Manor Lord’s Approval rating above 50 percent. The higher the Approval is, the more likely Families will move into the Burgage Plots that you build. A low Approval rating means villagers won’t want to live in your town, leaving homes empty, which is a waste of resources and could backfire on you.
Raising Approval in Manor Lords requires you to meet villagers’ needs. At the beginning of the city builder, Approval is based on needs like fuel, food, and places for your villagers to sell goods at a Marketplace. As the town continues to grow, adding structures like a Church and Tavern also raises Approval. The best way to maintain a high Approval rating is with a surplus of goods. If the villagers’ basic needs aren’t met, new Families won’t move into homes.
When to construct Manor Lords Burgage Plots for villagers to move in
When constructing homes for your villagers, I recommend you use space as a resource. Make sure your Burgage Plot land can be expanded for other families, and that there is room behind the home for additional resources like Goats and gardens. Only construct homes for villagers if you have more than two unassigned Families for jobs throughout the year, then build two Burgage Plots. As you upgrade homes for your Manor Lords villagers, you can pull them from the labor pool to work from home as Artisans.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 3:33 PM UTC