After significant item changes in League of Legends Patch 13.10, Jhin became the go-to duo partner pick in the bot lane. But after just weeks of supremacy, he’s been pushed aside by Miss Fortune, the new reigning AD carry pick for duo partners.
In solo ranked, Miss Fortune is doing reasonably well, with a 52.59 percent win rate across ranks, with her Inspiration and Sorcery rune tree build the best option for her. And while she is doing well in solo ranked, her duo win rates—especially when paired with a tank or healing support—are phenomenal.
Today, Miss Fortune is the top AD carry for duo partners, with Ashe close behind. From the League duo stats on tracking website U.GG, the best supports to pair with Miss Fortune are Rell, Sona, Nautilus, Leona, or Blitzcrank, in that order.
As Miss Fortune is quite squishy, a tank is the better choice for this ADC because those supports can help tank damage and offer survivability you sometimes don’t get with enchanters. In addition, tank supports can help initiate plays with their engage abilities.
And although Rell was one of the least-played champions in League, her rework has made her a viable pick again. So, if you haven’t had a chance to try out her new design, now’s the time to do it because she even has a 52.85 percent solo-ranked win rate. Even more notably, when paired with Miss Fortune in competitive lobbies, the pair actually boasts a monster 56.77 percent win rate, the highest among all duo pairings.
When playing Miss Fortune ADC, the best runes, as mentioned earlier, are from the Inspiration and Sorcery trees. Specifically, you’ll want to take: First Strike, Magical Footwear, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight. And for the Sorcery tree, you’ll want to take Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm, Offensive (Adaptive Force), Flex (Adaptive Force), and Defense (Armor).
Since the item changes in League Patch 13.10, the best purchases for Miss Fortune have begun to change. The Bounty Hunter now has three core items you’ll build on her for the majority of games, and the other items will depend on your team and the enemy team’s composition, and your needs. They include:
- Youmuu’s Ghostblade—Core
- Berserker’s Greaves—Core
- The Collector—Core
- Serylda’s Grudge (great for armor penetration and ability haste) or Lord Dominik’s Regards (great for armor penetration and increased damage to enemies with more health than you—this is good against tanky champions).
- Edge of Night (additional health, damage, and a shield), Bloodthirster (you’ll get life steal, damage, crit strike damage, and additional health if your health is above 50 percent), and Guardian Angel (damage, armor, and a revive on a timer).
So, why should you take Miss Fortune as an ADC in your next League match? Because right now, she has a ban rate of 7.7 percent, which means you can combine her with a tanky support and dominate the bot lane for some free wins.
And, she even beats Jhin 51.19 percent of the time too.
Published: Jul 7, 2023 6:00 AM UTC