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Mordekaiser is here and he’s ready to exercise his power on the Summoner’s Rift. Riot Games released the champion’s Champion Spotlight video today, showing off his new abilities and briefly showing his updated skins.
From the video, Mordekaiser has been transformed into an unstoppable force that excels in one-vs-one situations. HIs Q ability, Obliterate, deals bonus damage to a single enemy and he has some good midfight sustain with his W ability, Indestructible. He also has a grab to force a fleeing enemy to face him head-on, which also helps his kit, as he is relatively slow.
Mordekaiser’s ultimate, however, is what makes the champion so dangerous. In a teamfight setting, the scales of battle can be a bit more balanced, seeing as you can now rely on the rest of your team to help you out in a fight. Unfortunately, the Master of Death can use his ultimate to send both him and his enemy into the Death Realm for a one-vs-one situation.
Related: Riot Games reveals Mordekaiser’s new visuals and abilities
Riot showed off how potent Mordekaiser could be, as he sent both him and the enemy carry into the Death Realm in the middle of a teamfight. The sad little Ziggs had no chance in a one-vs-one against Mordekaiser, and when he returned to the Rift, he now had more power to decimate the rest of the enemy players.

Riot even showed off some of Mordekaiser’s updated skins at the end of the video, including his Infernal, King of Clubs, and Lord cosmetics. The first skin shown in the lineup might have also been a teaser for a new cosmetic that will come out for the champion soon.
Published: May 28, 2019 5:04 PM UTC