Over countless patches, Lucian has always been seen with Nami in the bottom lane as one of League of Legends‘ most-powerful combos, whether its on the pro stage or in solo queue. But outside of a few other outliers, the Purifier doesn’t have much viability with many other supports in the game.
In an upcoming update, however, Riot Games is aiming to add some diversity to Lucian’s current pool of possible bottom lane partners by making some major changes to his passive, Lightbringer, and how it interacts with different types of champions moving forward. The changes were highlighted in a June 1 tweet from game designer and Surrender@20 mod Spideraxe.
The first changes that some AD carry players will notice is a straight nerf to the base magic damage and magic AD ratio of his passive, Vigilance. This damage is, however, being offset by allowing the champion to activate his bonus magic damage whenever an enemy champion is hit with crowd control within 1000 units.
As a result, Lucian will be dealing less damage, but can now join forces with a plethora of different supports, including more popular tank champions like Braum, Leona, and Thresh. Previously, Lucian could only activate this extra damage by getting healed, shielded, or given a buff, which is why he was always paired with enchanters in the bottom lane.
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Additionally, the amount of damage he could deal in the early game with an Electrocute Nami was absurd, since one trade in the opening minutes could win lane through sheer firepower. His passive, Nami’s Tidecaller’s Blessing, the Electrocute rune, and the base auto-attack can chunk any squishy target or outright kill them, but alongside other supports, his effectiveness isn’t nearly as striking.
These changes should allow Lucian to play into multiple different team compositions, instead of cornering him with only two or three specific team compositions built around the three best champions to play with him at this current moment, Nami, Yuumi, or Milio.
Published: Jun 2, 2023 6:10 PM UTC