Since the return of Statikk Shiv in League of Legends Patch 13.10, Seraphine’s passive, Stage Presence, allows players to pull off long-ranged Statikk Shiv and Lich Bane procs.
Statikk Shiv is an item that was reworked and returned to the Rift in Patch 13.10 in May 2023. Even though it costs 3,000 gold, the attack damage, attack speed, and critical strike chance are pretty decent stats, along with its unique passive which builds Energized stacks.
When 100 Energized stacks are accumulated, you deal additional damage, and the Energized attack bounces between targets. It’s an item well-worth building on certain champions—particularly on Seraphine with her crit-build.
Her passive Stage Presence not only allows for every third basic spell from Seraphine to be double cast, but when she uses her spells near allies, she gains a Note granting bonus magic damage and range on her next basic attack. Each stack of these Notes gives players a bonus 25 attack range and consumes the Notes.
During team fights where you’re near your allies, you can gain quite a few Notes, which means you can proc Statikk Shiv from a greater distance. And if you have Lich Bane—which enhances your next Attack and deals additional damage—you can easily take down the health bars of your squishy foes in no time.
You must also have the Sorcery rune tree with Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and Gathering Storm to pull this off. In your second rune tree, take Precision with Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace. You’ll also need to take Ability Haste, Flex, and Defense—either armor or magic resist—depending on the enemy’s team composition.
Regarding additional items, you should take Doran’s Ring as your starting item and work towards getting Luden’s Tempest, Sorcerer’s Shoes, and Rabadon’s Deathcap, with your last item being situational based upon your opposition. You’ll also want to run Ghost and Flash as your Summoner Spells of choice.
Related: Here are the early LoL Patch 13.11 patch notes
As this is more of an AP carry build, you’ll generally build this if you’re playing in the mid-lane or as an ADC. Your goal with this build is to scale and ensure you build your core items first. So, you’ll want to build Luden’s first, Sorcerer’s Shoes second, Lich Bane third, Rabadon’s fourth, and Statikk Shiv last.
So, if you enjoy playing Seraphine, this is a fun build to try, especially as Statikk Shiv will receive a buff in Patch 13.11.
Published: May 30, 2023 3:47 AM UTC