Briar has been controversial since her release on Sept. 13, 2023. In January 2024, she’s still dominating lower tiers despite numerous nerfs—and it’s due to one specific build.
Her Lethality build is continuing to dominate the ladder, according to stats site LoLalytics. Over the last month, she’s been topping ranks in Platinum, Gold, and Silver with over 53 percent. She also has the second-highest win rate in Bronze.

“Clearly the last batch of nerfs were not enough,” one player complained in a Jan. 2 Reddit thread. In the comments section, players agreed Riot Games failed at making her bruiser build more popular, which would make more sense based on her ability kit.
“Maybe give her actual health scaling on W than simply giving her AD scaling so, that the player is actually incentivised to build health thus shifting her to bruiser build,” one player suggested.
The developer has had a hard time balancing the champion since her release in September. She’s been targeted by successive nerfs over the last few months, but it hasn’t stopped her from dominating the meta.
It’s impossible to predict how Briar’s strength is going to change in season 14 because champion balance changes have yet to be revealed by the developer.
With the shift to items and the jungle, the meta could change in a completely new direction. Briar will likely continue to thrive on the ladder for at least a little longer, but her era of dominance may end with the launch of season 14 on Jan. 9. If changes brought with the new season favor bruisers, you’ll almost certainly have to deal with her again in your games.
Published: Jan 3, 2024 10:26 AM UTC