Riot Games reworked Aurelion Sol back in February 2023. Although the champ had five minutes of fame after the rework, it has once again become a hyper-scaling niche pick. Thankfully, the devs are giving this celestial dragon some more early-game agency.
On Jan. 26, champion designer Maxwell Perlman announced Aurelion Sol buffs are coming to the PBE on Jan. 29. These changes are meant to push Aurelion Sol out of his hyper-scaling comfort zone toward “proactive play and early game agency and away from optimizing stacks gained from E.”
Aurelion Sol has become just like Kayle, offering little to no damage in the early game. This prevents him from joining skirmishes and early-game teamfights because he’s forced to farm up until the late game.

These tuning changes are meant to push his power away from Singularity to Astral Flight and once again make him the master of roaming. Here are all the tweaks available for testing on the PBE:
- Recommended skill order should be Q, W, E instead of the usual one (Q, E, W)
- Q mana cost per second decreased from 45 + five per rank to 30 + five
- Q stacks per champion burst increased from one to three
- W mana cost decreased from 80 + five per rank to 50 + five
- W cooldown decreased from 22 to 1.5 per rank to 15 to one
- Q percent damage when W is active is increased to 18 percent + two percent per rank
- Aurelion Sol gets only two stacks of E from champions, epic monsters, cannon minions, and large monsters
The new and improved Aurelion Sol should be available on the live servers starting with League of Legends Patch 14.3. According to the patch schedule, this should release on Feb. 7. You have until then to test new builds and provide Riot with any crucial feedback.
Published: Jan 29, 2024 9:33 AM UTC