League of Legends’ upcoming Arena game mode is a breath of fresh air for veteran players of the game. But with the introduction of a new mode, new balancing challenges are sure to arise. And today, League dev Madness Heroo posted a full list of upcoming changes for the game mode, including buffs and nerfs to a slew of champions, items, and the mode’s trademark mechanic: augments.
All of the changes that are being made are based on data that Riot has been gathering from Arena players on the League PBE. The game mode has taken off since it launched on the test server on June 27, and with just under two weeks to go until it goes live to the greater League community, the devs are making sure the game is completely balanced before the full player base gets their hands on it.
In today’s PBE notes, several champions were buffed or nerfed directly, with roles being targeted for changes instead of individual champions. Ahead of the launch, all ranged champions are receiving bonus attack speed, haste, and movement speed.
Certain mage-centric items, including Void Staff, Sorcerer Shoes, and Liandry’s Torment, are all receiving nerfs, with magic penetration being an area of focus.

Items such as Hextech Rocketbelt and Night Harvester, two similar-yet-slightly-different Mythic items, are both having their HP bonuses increased. For Enchanters, both Echoes of Helia and Shurelya’s Reverie are being buffed to compete fairly with Moonstone Renewer, which, according to Riot, has been a go-to option for the role in Arena.
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Augments are a major part of the LoL Arena experience, and Riot is doing everything it can to ensure that they’re balanced ahead of the game mode’s official release. In the upcoming PBE change, 13 augments are receiving clear-cut balance changes, with six getting nerfed and another seven set to be buffed.
The six augments receiving nerfs are Scoped Weapons, Shrink Ray, Warmup Routine, Willing Sacrifice, Thread the Needle, and Fallen Aegis. The seven on the table to be buffed are Frost Wraith, Deft, Typhoon, Back to Basics, Thief’s Gloves, Evocation, and Dive Bomber.
There are exactly 10 days to go until the game mode is released on the live League servers, and players should most definitely expect more balance changes to hit the PBE before that time comes. LoL’s Arena mode will release on July 20 alongside the game’s summer event, Soul Fighter.
Published: Jul 10, 2023 8:06 PM UTC