Invictus Gaming have won the battle of the former LPL champions in an intensive three-game series against Royal Never Give up today.
The former League of Legends World Champions reverse-swept RNG after a devastating loss in the first game of the series. IG’s TheShy was heavily focused by the mid and jungle of RNG, which led him to a feeding spree, giving RNG a lot of free gold and allowing them to snowball the game out of control.
Even though IG lost the first game, Rookie tried his best to carry with Orianna. He even managed to kill two people in a one-versus-three situation at one point, giving more time for his teammates to respawn.
After the loss in the first game, IG came back stronger and secured a much-needed win in the second game with TheShy receiving the Player of the Game award with his Vayne top pick. He recovered quite well after the feeding spree in the first game.
The third game was the ADC Ding “Puff” Wang show. His Varus performance allowed IG to snowball the bot side of the map and secure the first tower and drakes. RNG did not give up and tried to fight back, but the flanks and teamwork of IG proved to be too strong for them to handle.
The first major teamfight occurred around the Baron, where IG’s TheShy zoned out three members of RNG with his Aatrox pick. This allowed IG to clean up the teamfight and then secure the Baron.
With the Baron, IG went to push the lanes and almost ended the game before the 20-minute mark, but RNG responded swiftly and picked up a couple of kills. After a heroic play by TheShy near the mid inhibitor of RNG, IG closed it out and secured a decisive series win.
While IG are back to winning after a devastating loss to the emerging rookie squad of eStar, they should focus on toning down the early game aggression in the top lane, which nets them game losses in the series where they manage to win as well.
IG sit in the first place in the LPL Spring Split standings. They’ll be facing JDG and BLG next week. Both matches should be easy wins for IG. You can tune into the official LPL broadcast channel to see if IG can continue their LPL domination and maintain the first seed going into the playoffs.
Published: Apr 5, 2020 2:39 PM UTC