Riot Games has finally revealed the next character to join League of Legends’ ever-expanding collection of champions, and she’s inquisitive, a tad quiet, and magical all around.
Aurora is the newest Vastayan champion to grace the Summoner’s Rift and beyond, joining the roster as a solo laning skirmisher mage who can play in both the mid lane and top lane. She’s an “approachable solo lane champion” who brings diversity to the game’s champion list through the representation of autism.
Her powers stem from her ability to see the veil between the spirit and the real world, stepping between both to help her in battle against opponents. She has multiple ways to hop around a fight, a ton of damage, and an area-of-effect ultimate that traps foes in a Spirit Realm zone where Aurora can zip around and outplay enemies with ease.
Here are all of Aurora’s abilities in League of Legends.
Aurora ability list in League of Legends

Passive – Spirit Abjuration
- If Aurora damages an enemy three times with spells or auto-attacks, she’ll deal magic damage, pull a spirit from the enemy, and enter Spirit Mode for a short time. While in Spirit Mode, Aurora gains movement speed. When she gathers more spirits, the movement speed and heal she has in Spirit Mode increase.
Q – Twofold Hex
- Cast Twofold Hex to fire off a cursed energy projectile in a straight line, dealing magic damage to any enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy. Recasting Twofold Hex will end the curse, drawing the spirit energy back to Aurora and dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through while returning to the player. Damage on recast is increased by missing health.
W – Across the Veil
- Aurora hops in a direction. Once she lands, she becomes invisible and enters Spirit Mode for a brief time, allowing her to move around a fight or reposition herself for a quick escape or a re-engage.
E – The Weirding
- On cast, Aurora sends out a blast of spirit magic that deals magic damage and slows all enemies in an area in front of her. She also hops backward as she casts the ability.
R – Between Worlds
- On cast, Aurora hops forward and sends out a pulse of spirit energy that deals magic damage and slows all opponents in circular area. The large circle will merge with the Spirit Realm for a short period of time, giving Aurora an empowered Spirit Mode while also letting her bounce from one side to the other.
- Any enemies that try to walk out of the circle will take damage, get slowed, and get pulled back to the center of the area of effect. It’s a ring where enemies are forced to use abilities or Flash to escape unless they’re willing to fight.
Published: Jun 20, 2024 10:00 am