Batteries power some of the most essential items in Lethal Company. Recharging battery items is a must if you don’t want to lose key items like flashlights while you’re outside.
In addition to flashlights, walkie-talkies also will also need a good recharge after a run. Considering these tools can assure your survival, I’ve also been extra careful when I use them to avoid wasting battery life, a habit that I can also credit to how easily I get scared in horror games.
How can you recharge battery items in Lethal Company?
You can use the wall charger on your ship to recharge battery items in Lethal Company.
- Go to your ship.
- Select the item that you’d like to recharge and equip it.
- Get close to the wall charger and press “E.” to start charging it.

Luckily, the charging process is quite fast, and you should be able to top up your essentials quickly.
How to track remaining battery on equipment in Lethal Company
Battery levels are as important as your health and stamina in Lethal Company. You’ll find a yellow battery indicator located on top of your health and stamina indicators on the top-left portion of your screen. This indicator will appear whenever you’re using an item that has batteries.
How to extend battery life in Lethal Company
There aren’t any magic tricks that can extend your battery life in Lethal Company. To get the most usage out of your equipment, you’ll need to use them only when they’re needed. If you’re playing in groups, it’s also a decent practice to rotate flashlight users to extend your run’s duration.
Every item in Lethal Company will eventually appear in your inventory, and not all of them will have batteries. Depending on your playstyle, you might favor some items over others. As a player who prefers avoiding danger, I like using Stun grenades and the Zap Gun for best results.
Published: Nov 23, 2023 6:34 PM UTC