Wordle is choosing a new five-letter word every day for its players to guess. There are only six attempts before the game results in a defeat. The only clues available are the letters present in the previously guessed words.
These rules are simple, but the game can be complex enough for players to come up with many different ways to solve the puzzle.
One of the most common strategies is to test all vowels in the first two attempts. Just know words with many vowels and it will be easy to know which vowels are present in the correct answer.
Another option is to use words that have common letters and, if possible, also in positions where the letters are commonly found. It is necessary to know some words with the most common letters, mainly the vowels “A” and “E” and the consonants “S”, “C”, and “R”. Two great options for this are the words “SLATE” and “CARES”, both of which have a good chance of reducing the possible answers to less than a few hundred.
There is a riskier strategy, but one that can please bored players. The idea is to test most letters of the alphabet and leave only the last attempts to organize the information found. It’s impossible to do if Hard mode is on because it’s necessary to use a list of words with letters that don’t repeat, like “FAINT”, “CHEVY”, “SWORD” and “PLUMB”. There will be two attempts left, but most of the letters present in the correct answer must be revealed.
Be careful as there are sometimes repeated letters in the correct answer, or there may be similar words that fit together, so use this strategy at your own risk.
Related: Wordle game help: 5-letter words with ‘E’
Whichever strategy you choose, you may find that the secret word has the letters “ZE” at the end and you don’t know what to guess next. In that case, here are some five-letter words ending with “ZE”, sorted alphabetically.
Five-letter words ending in ‘ZE’ to try on Wordle
- adoze
- agaze
- amaze
- avize
- avyze
- baize
- blaze
- bonze
- booze
- braze
- brize
- buaze
- ceaze
- cloze
- cooze
- craze
- croze
- feaze
- feeze
- forze
- frize
- froze
- furze
- gauze
- glaze
- gloze
- graze
- grize
- heeze
- leaze
- maize
- mezze
- neeze
- peaze
- peize
- prize
- seaze
- seize
- smaze
- tazze
- teaze
- toaze
- touze
- towze
- wanze
- weize
- winze
- zanze
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and will give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Beware of words that may have repeated letters and don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer, at least in most cases.
These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task.
Published: Aug 31, 2022 12:10 AM UTC