Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope is the sequel to the original strategy game from Nintendo that brings together all the chaos of the Mario and Rabbid worlds. This game offers a unique team of misfits all set on saving the Sparks from the big bad Cursa and her Spark Hunters. Whether or not players can do it will depend on what team they’ve assembled and how they use them.
The great thing about Sparks of Hope is that there’s no one solution to any of the battles—players can tackle each situation how they best see fit. Some characters, however, shine above others for certain things. Here’s all you need to know about the best characters in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope.
Who is the best character in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope?
To decide what character is best, it’s good to know what you need for each situation. Sparks of Hope is designed where no one character is perfect for every scenario.
Best close-range character: Rabbid Mario
Rabbid Mario is a great close-range fighter, mostly because of his mechanical fists that deal tons of damage. Each attack with the mechanical fists goes out in a wide cone and sends three shockwaves. This deals incredible damage to any group of enemies that Rabbid Mario is able to get close to and can be a great tool for clearing out one area.
With the Counter Blow ability, Mario doesn’t have to worry about being too close to enemies or someone having the higher ground, because his counterattack will deal +100 percent damage back at them immediately.
Best long-range character: Luigi
Luigi is one of the most useful characters in Sparks of Hope because of his long-range weapon and ability to provide overwatch from a distance. Luigi is as close as you get to a sniper in this game and he deals more damage the further you are away from the enemy. Because of this, he can be much harder to hit and lasts longer in a fight.
The Steely Stare ability can help keep enemies away from your teammates, but it works at a much further distance compared to Mario’s ability. If you want to get another character closer to an enemy, you can have Luigi provide cover in case any enemies try to move in on his teammate.
Best support character: Princess Peach
Princess Peach is a pretty good fighter in Sparks of Hope, especially with her close-to-mid-range umbrella shotgun. She can move in on any enemies or deal with any that get too close with a devastating cone of damage. But Peach’s real best abilities lie in her Team Barrier ability, which makes an ally invincible for two hits during the next turn.
There are so many options that open when you’re able to use this ability. Whether it be laying traps or playing more risky maneuvers, you can pretty much end your turn out in the open if you have this effect, although you probably shouldn’t.
Published: Oct 19, 2022 1:01 PM UTC