Players must face new and devastating threats with every new Chapter and expansion in The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). But in the upcoming 2024 Chapter, Gold Road, you must battle against two dangers: the encroaching Dawnwood and the Daedric Prince, Ithelia, the Forgotten Prince.
Who is Ithelia, the Forgotten Prince, in ESO?

Ithelia, the Forgotten Prince, is a Daedric Prince who has returned to Tamriel, putting the lives of everyone in Tamriel and Nirn at risk.
Little is known about her, as she was only hinted at in specific dialogue from the Necrom expansion. However, she’s supposed to be able to change destiny and fate, which would explain why the reality in Gold Road has been unraveling since she returned. And why Hermaeus Mora erased Ithelia from existence in the first place to preserve reality.
But she wasn’t completely forgotten; she did leave behind her most loyal servant, who has vague memories of her. In Necrom, we meet a clanless Dremora by the name of Torvesard. While we may have thought nothing of his dialogue, he hinted at who his master was, how Hermaeus stole the knowledge from him (and everyone), and how he only wanted to learn the truth.
In the cinematic trailer released on Jan. 18, we see Torvesard entering an ancient ruin and helping free a woman bound by golden light, Ithelia, and this is where the Gold Road Chapter begins.
It’s safe to say she will not just walk around the world and enjoy her freedom. She will get her revenge and unravel reality in doing so. And I’m here for her revenge arc—even though we’ll have to destroy her and her scions.
All Ithelia content coming to ESO

Although the ESO: Gold Road won’t roll out until June 3, you can experience the Scions of Ithelia dungeon DLC pack from March 11 (PC and Mac players) and March 26 (for Xbox and PlayStation) players.
This DLC continues from the Necrom chapter and features two new four-player dungeons, Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil, where you can explore the followers of Malacath’s training ground and a secret vault in Oblivion’s demi-realm, Maelstrom. Like most dungeons, these two can be enjoyed in Hard or Veteran mode, each with unique Achievements and rewards.
They’ll also be great precursors to the content coming in Gold Road but can be enjoyed as standalone content. However, this is everything we know about Ithelia, the Forgotten Prince, and all the Ithelia-based coming to ESO.
Published: Jan 19, 2024 12:58 AM UTC