While players have six guesses to try and figure out the Wordle each day, sometimes the letters don’t fall the right way. Users could go three lines and only get one letter in the right spot or, even worse, only one letter in the word. If this happens, it can be difficult to come up with more five-letter words to accommodate the one letter players do have.
On April 12, some players might struggle with this same situation in the day’s Wordle. Some users might only have an “L” they know to be at the end of the word. If any player is in this predicament, they can use the list below to browse dozens of words that end with “L.” They’re alphabetically categorized, so players don’t have to worry about the answer to the April 12 Wordle being given away because it’s not at the top of the list.
- Aboil
- Afoul
- Angel
- Anvil
- Areal
- Argol
- Babel
- Banal
- Basil
- Bejel
- Betel
- Bowel
- Brail
- Brawl
- Brill
- Broil
- Camel
- Canal
- Cavil
- Cecal
- Civil
- Coral
- Cruel
- Devil
- Drill
- Drool
- Dural
- Dwell
- Easel
- Equal
- Excel
- Expel
- Fatal
- Fetal
- Grail
- Growl
- Gruel
- Hemel
- Horal
- Hovel
- Ideal
- Jewel
- Jural
- Kneel
- Kraal
- Krill
- Label
- Medal
- Metal
- Modal
- Mogul
- Mural
- Naval
- Newel
- Panel
- Pixel
- Pupil
- Rabal
- Rebel
- Royal
- Rumal
- Scowl
- Shawl
- Skell
- Skull
- Small
- Smell
- Snail
- Snell
- Swill
- Thill
- Tidal
- Total
- Trawl
- Troll
- Twirl
- Until
- Usual
- Vital
- Vowel
- Wheal
- Wheel
- Whorl
- Yodel
- Yokel
This obviously isn’t every possible word that can end with “L” but these are among the most common words in the English dictionary. These are also all words that Wordle will accept if players type them in and press “Enter.” So if players are typing them out to see if they match the Wordle structure they currently have, make sure the word is a worthwhile guess before submitting it.
As users will notice, there are some uncommon words that end with “L.” While these are technically words Wordle will accept, the game traditionally has players guess words that are considered more common. So it’s recommended that players try words they’ve heard before over words that they don’t know the meaning of. But if an uncommon word fits the current structure of a player’s letters, they should pay closer attention to it.
If players are truly having trouble with the April 12 Wordle, they can check our other helpful guides to try and piece together what the word could be.
Published: Apr 12, 2022 3:08 PM UTC