Corey Taylor and the rest of Slipknot aren’t the only skins coming with patch 9.5.
The upcoming patch will introduce 19 skins total, including skins for all nine members of Slipknot. In addition to the Metal legends from Iowa, Smite will introduce 10 more skins that will come from a variety of sources.
Six of the new skins come to Smite as part of the ongoing Heavenly Light event. There will also be skins connected to chests, Prime Gaming, and the Blast from the Past battle pass. The Majority of the skins will release on May 17 alongside the Slipknot update, but Glaive Tech Cernunnos, Afrofuture Olorun, and Flourescent Friend Ganesha won’t go live until May 31 with the bonus update.
The Bob Ross-inspired Happy Little Painter Zhong Kui Prime Gaming skin won’t go live until June 2. Once it does, all you’ll need to do to claim it is connect your Smite and Prime Gaming accounts. Doing so will allow you to get Happy Little Painter Zhong Kui for free (not counting the cost of Prime).
Below you’ll find every skin coming with Smite patch 9.5. You can head into the battleground of the gods to check out most of these skins when patch 9.5, the Slipknot Update, goes live on May 17.
Poseidon Slipknot

Chaac Slipknot

Raijin Slipknot

The Trickster Loki

Aquatic Nightmare Ra

Necro Alchemist Vulcan

Mystic Flare Pele

Dark Apprentice Apollo

Horsin’ Around Chiron

Glaive Tech Cernunnos

Afrofuture Olorun

Flourescent Friend Ganesha

Happy Little Painter Zhong Kui

Published: May 13, 2022 4:56 PM UTC