OG Fortnite fans, it appears it’s just about time to make the call. The return of the Chapter One map is on the horizon.
The trail of teasers for the beloved Fortnite battle island’s comeback was first documented on Oct. 10, a day on which the recent Fortnitemares event update added throwback props to Frenzy Fields from Chapter One, season five, and unveiled a lobby background that directly referenced its July 12, 2018 launch. About a week later, the official Fortnite Twitter then changed its location to that same date.
Since Oct. 20, Epic Games has appeared to be going on the offensive, sending various content creators gift packages that thanked them for “being part of Fortnite’s origins” and hinted at the “opportunity to start again.”
And now, with today’s latest developments, it appears it’s truly only a matter of time until players are able to land back on the original map from Fortnite Chapter One.
As showcased on Twitter by Fortnite content account FNAssist, the v26.30 content patch has brought with it two major changes to the Chapter Four, season four map that are stirring the pot in a big way.
The first was that five of the digital billboards in MEGA City now show images of the aqua-blue sky from Chapter One, season five. Additionally, to greatly reduce the chances of players not getting the memo, these screens also play the classic OG Fortnite lobby music when you get close to them.
The second map change that eagle-eyed players will notice is that Frenzy Fields appears to be emptier than usual as Agent Jones seems to have used Kado Thorne’s time machine and taken the old props with them back to Chapter One.
Ultimately, all of this seems to point to what leakers and streamers alike have been suggesting in recent days: Chapter Four, season five is set to take players on a rapid, nostalgic ride through what is still commonly viewed as Fortnite’s golden age. Although it remains to be seen just how true the upcoming updates will be to the original experience, as well as for how long they’ll be around, players can seemingly rest assured knowing that the next season is indeed going to be focused on some greener, familiar pastures for the first time in its history.
Published: Oct 25, 2023 9:12 PM UTC