Week nine of Fortnite: Battle Royale challenges come with a special and hidden reward for players who complete all the free and premium challenges.
As in previous weeks, you can find a secret Battle Star on Fortnite island once you finish all challenges of the week. Grabbing it will grant you a free Battle Pass tier.
Players can use a hint that is hidden within the week nine loading screen to find the Battle Star location. This week’s loading screen shows Calamity on Leaky Lake. There’s a grill behind her with a faded Battle Star image hovering over it. That’s where you should look for week nine’s secret Battle Star.

The only grill on Leaky Lake is northwest of the center, next to one of the big rocks. You can find the Battle Star there, interact with it, and grab your reward.
If you don’t see it, make sure you completed all week nine challenges and aren’t playing on Playground. You should be able to see this Battle Star in any other game mode.
Now that you not only completed all week nine challenges but also got this week’s hidden Battle Star, it’s time to do your daily challenges until you get that Dire outfit from tier 100 of your Battle Pass.
Published: Nov 22, 2018 12:02 PM UTC