Diablo 4 offers a wealth of dungeons to explore for valuable loot, but locating specific ones like the Shifting City can be tough. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered.
Dungeons in Diablo 4 are an integral part of the core gameplay, and you can farm them continuously to get the best loot. Across the map, you’ll uncover various dungeons, but some are initially hidden from view. The Shifting City is among those that don’t immediately appear on the map—but with a little work, it’s easy to unlock.
Diablo 4 Shifting City location

The Shifting City is a dungeon in Diablo 4 in the Qara Yisu subregion of the Dry Steppes. You may notice the dungeon does not appear on your map. There’s a simple reason: You must complete the Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold to unlock it.
Once you’ve completed this Stronghold, you’ll unlock the Shifting City dungeon, which is located northeast of the Ruins of Qara-Yisu waypoint. You’ll also unlock, of course, the waypoint for quick travel and various Vendors in the area, such as a Blacksmith and Stables.
The Qara Yisu Stronghold is recommended for players level 25 and over. If you try to complete this Stronghold earlier, you may find it’s a tall order to complete the objectives. If you wait until World Tier Three or higher to complete these Strongholds, the minimum level requirement will also increase. I decided to complete this Stronghold in World Tier Three, and the minimum level requirement to complete it was level 55. If you haven’t reached the minimum level, farm for experience and return when you’re ready.
How to complete the Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold
To complete the Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold, you must destroy three spires and defeat the final boss. Although it sounds easy, there are a few key steps you should take to complete this Stronghold. They include:
- Destroy the three spires: At each spire, you’ll encounter Elite bosses and several mobs. If you have AoE skills, this can be helpful in dealing with lower-level enemies. Most bosses use fire attacks, so if you consume an Elixir of Fire Resistance, you’ll take less damage, which means you likely have a better chance of surviving. When approaching each spire, you can either destroy the spire and then kill the boss and enemies or vice versa. However, I find that destroying the enemies first is the best option because it means you are taking unnecessary damage as you focus on the spire.
- Defeat the boss, Utulku: This is one of the easiest bosses to defeat as you simply have to avoid his AoE attacks, defeat the minions he spawns, and attack him between dodging and fighting. Like all bosses, he drops health pots when his health hits 75, 50, and 25 percent. So, use your health pots as you need them.
- Ring the bell: Locate the bell on your map and interact with it to ring it. This symbolizes that you’ve completed the Stronghold and can access the Ruins of Qara Yisu town and the Shifting City dungeon.
So, whether you’re after all the aspects in Diablo 4 or if you need the Ravenous Aspect for your Rogue, this is everything you need to know about how to complete the Ruins of Qara Yisu Stronghold and access the Shifting City dungeon.
Published: Aug 12, 2024 1:58 AM UTC