Several mysteries have been surrounding Season of the Seraph since its launch, and the third and fourth weeks of the season gave the answers to most questions. Revision Zero becoming available on week three put fans on the path to a solution regarding the mysterious Security Drones that floated around the Moon, Europa, the Seraph Station, and the Heist Battlegrounds missions. In short: they’re collectibles and shooting each of them awards some XP and small amounts of Seraphic Umbral Energy.
The biggest mystery of the season, however, wasn’t just the drones themselves, but a mysterious door in Operation: Seraph’s Shield. This door required players to shoot all 50 Security Drones to open, and even though players could bypass some requirements with some out-of-bounds techniques, what lay behind the door was a mystery in and of itself. Until the fourth week of the season, that is.
The arrival of week four finally brought the last piece of the puzzle: the Security Clearance upgrade at the Exo Frame, which allowed players to open the locked doors that protected some of the drones—and to brave what was on the other side of the drone door itself.
The result is a long and winding jumping puzzle, at the end of which players can find a robotic companion to call their own—at least until Lightfall releases. Here’s how you can find the mechanical dog in Destiny 2‘s Operation: Seraph’s Shield.
How to find the robotic dog in Operation: Seraph’s Shield in Destiny 2
Finding the mechanical dog has two major requirements. The first is the Security Clearance upgrade, available from the Exo Frame starting at week four of the season after progressing through the More Than a Weapon quest line.
The second is finding and shooting all 50 Security Drones (the floating yellow orbs in several locations) that appear on Europa, the Moon, aboard the Seraph Station, and on the three Heist Battlegrounds missions.
Related: All Security Drone locations in Destiny 2
After you’ve met these two prerequisites, you’ll need to open the secret drone door located just past the hangar, after you’ve finished the spacewalk section. This is the area where you take down Haroktha, Scourge of the Helium Drinkers after his first appearance. Look on the left side of the room to spot a door with 50 buttons below it, which indicate the number of drones you’ve shot.

Once you’re inside, you’ll need to head through three lasers (which is easier if you have the Tactical Armor upgrade, but it’s not impossible without it). You’ll also have to solve a puzzle with the Security Clearance upgrade, which will lead you to a transmat area. Head into it and you’ll come out on an area called the Maintenance Substructure, which is essentially a long-winded jumping puzzle.
Jump from ledge to ledge in the area and make note of the paw prints on a ledge near you for an indication of what’s expecting you on the other side. Once you kill the first turret, you’ll have a clear path on one side of the room. Skip it; it’s a trap that will transmat you back to the beginning.
Instead of following the path of least resistance with a ledge and a doorway, look to your right to spot a distant catwalk, as well as two horizontal pipes separated by a gap big enough for a guardian. Jump to the ledge, then past the gap and take down a turret on another catwalk nearby. Keep going until you reach a large area.
Keep your eyes peeled for catwalks and turrets and continue following the path. You’ll eventually come up into an area with two turrets and a gap you can slide down. Keep in mind that most red areas indicate death unless you find something to break your fall, which can be a walkway, a hanging pipe, or anything similar. In general, though, avoid the areas with the red-pink glow.
After following the path, you’ll eventually come down into a narrow hallway with two turrets: one on the ceiling and another one on the other side. Take them out and you’ll spot a gargantuan gap. Jump and make use of the pipes that cross the room to break your fall. Keep jumping from pipe to pipe until you spot a doorway. At that point, you can jump and go through the door to find the robotic dog companion with you.

How to pet the dog and activate the Good Boy Protocol in Destiny 2
After you’ve interacted with your four-legged robotic companion, you can find him by the Exo Frame in the H.E.L.M. Come close to him and interact with him to initiate the Good Boy Protocol, which allows you to pet him. Any other teammates you have with you at the H.E.L.M. can also pet the dog, and all players who pet the robotic companion will get a triumph.

Published: Dec 28, 2022 9:41 PM UTC