Destiny 2 players are familiar with limited-time occasions such as three-week events, Trials of Osiris, and Xûr’s visits. They’re not the only timed occurrence in the game, though: Three times per season, Lord Saladin pays a visit to the Tower and kicks off the Iron Banner celebrations, which offer some daily challenges to grind and some new weapons to obtain.
Daily challenges play a key role if you want to rank up quickly with Lord Saladin. Completing these short objectives gives you a boost to reputation with him and even lets you score some extra gear drops. Here’s what you need to know about Iron Banner challenges in Destiny 2.
What are Iron Banner daily challenges in Destiny 2?
Iron Banners are one of the many ways to earn bonus Iron Banner reputation since Lord Saladin’s vendor rework, and they’re among the most prized of the bunch. Challenges are simple sets of objectives that usually involve playing a number of games with specific subclasses. For instance, Season of the Deep’s first Iron Banner asked players to complete matches using Void, Arc, or Strand.
Related: When is the next Iron Banner in Destiny 2?
Whenever you complete a match with an eligible subclass, it will count as progress for your challenge. Finishing the challenge will give you a bonus to Iron Banner reputation and a Pinnacle drop, which makes it a good way to farm gear at a higher Power Level.
The daily challenges can be completed in multiple characters and give you a reputation boost for that week, though players will have to redo them once the next celebration rolls around. Regardless of how many challenges you actually do, you only get the reputation bonuses from up to four of them, though you can still score Pinnacle drops on subsequent completions.
Where to find Iron Banner daily challenges in Destiny 2
Iron Banner daily challenges will appear above the activity’s node in the Crucible. If you have any available challenges to complete, hovering your mouse over the corresponding map location will show you how many you can still complete on any given week. You’ll only get benefits from up to four, but you can still get Pinnacle drops from subsequent completions.

Why are my Iron Banner daily challenges not showing?
If your Iron Banner challenges aren’t showing, the most likely explanation is that you’ve already completed them on that character. Despite the “one of four” indicator on your map node, each day of the Iron Banner celebration brings one extra challenge. This means you’ll have one challenge available in each class on Tuesday, two per class on Wednesday, three on Thursday, and four per class on Friday. If you can’t find your Iron Banner daily challenges, odds are you’ve done all available challenges on that character for that day. You could also look for an introductory quest in Lord Saladin’s inventory, since challenges might need the quest to appear if you’re a first-time visitor.
While there is some incentive to save Iron Banner farming for the end of the week, the mode’s daily challenges count per character. If you’ve already done one challenge on your Warlock, for instance, you can swap to your Hunter and scratch another challenge off the list, marking two out of the four needed to get the maximum bonus.
If your Iron Banner daily challenges still aren’t showing up, stay tuned to BungieHelp’s official Twitter page, which the developer uses to communicate technical issues to players. The Destiny 2 forums could also potentially lead you to players with similar problems, indicating there is a larger issue (and even showing you some solutions).
Published: May 31, 2023 7:02 PM UTC