It’s a tough time to be a scout rifle fan in Destiny 2.
Scout rifles have seen better days in the past. Right now, scouts are still weak in the meta of loadouts to use in Destiny 2, easily outclassed by most other weapons and archetypes. But that’s not to say there’s no fun to be had with them.
Players need to employ a different kind of playstyle to get the most out of scout rifles. Whether it’s in PvE or PvP, scouts work best at a distance and with a lot of patience. You need to hit headshots for scouts to maximize their potential and damage.
Some scouts are very fun in PvE, and since you need to use them depending on what the current seasonal mods are, it’s good to know which ones to employ when you need to use it for a certain activity, like Nightfall Strikes or anything where a Champion is present.
Here are the best scout rifles in Destiny 2, for both PvE and PvP activities.
Best PvE scout rifles in Destiny 2
Hung Jury SR4

Source: Nightfall Strikes

Source: Legendary Engrams as of Season of the Seraph
Tarnished Mettle

Source: Season of Plunder
Tears of Contrition

Source: Season of the Haunted

Source: Deep Stone Crypt raid
Night Watch

Source: Umbral Engrams
Vision of Confluence

Source: Vault of Glass raid
Contingency Plan

Source: Legendary engram as of Season of the Lost
Hung Jury SR4

Source: Nightfall rewards
Best PvP scout rifles in Destiny 2
Dead Man’s Tale

Source: “Presage” exotic mission, Exotic kiosk in the Tower
Aisha’s Embrace

Source: Trials of Osiris
MIDA Multi-Tool

Source: Xur, random drops
Servant Leader

Source: Gambit
Jade Rabbit

Source: Xur, random drops
The Guiding Sight

Source: Iron Banner
Published: Dec 12, 2022 7:25 PM UTC