The Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher is an essential weapon for players to get in Destiny 2. During the Season of Plunder, players will need to acquire one Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher while the current season lasts.
The Cry Mutiny is a Grenade Launcher that deals Solar Damage in large AoE blasts, and while it is not the best weapon for either PvP or PvE content, players will need to acquire the weapon to complete one of the Seasonal Challenges. Players that are looking to obtain every possible reward and acquire the best titles will need to make sure that they complete every task available.
Here’s how you can unlock the Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2: Season of Plunder
How to unlock the Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2

Just like every season weapon out there in Destiny 2, Cry Mutiny is locked behind the reward track for the three primary vendors that are found at the Tower: Drifter, Zavala, and Shaxx. These three vendors sell bounties for Gambit, Strike/Nightfall, and Gambit activities, respectively.
To unlock the Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher, Guardians will need to reach level 16 reputation with any of the three vendors present at the tower. Once Guardians have reached level 16, they will be able to claim this weapon from either of the vendors. You can go on to use the weapon in various activities or just dismantle it to claim the resources that it drops.
What is interesting is that since the Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher is a seasonal weapon that is locked behind a reward track, the weapon is already masterworked when it drops, which acts as a pretty fitting reward for all the effort Guardians have to put into getting the weapon.
To get through the challenging process of ranking up all the way to level 16, Guardians will have to continuously complete Gambit matches, Crucible matches, or Strikes, depending on the vendor’s reward track they ended up following.
The easiest way to acquire the Cry Mutiny Grenade Launcher would be to wait for a week before the bonus rank points are handed out for either of the three activities for the vendors. While these bonus ranks are active, Guardians can take advantage of them to then launch that specific activity and keep grinding it until they eventually reach level 16. While this is not an easy process either, it serves to be the best option available to Guardians.
Published: Oct 6, 2022 1:51 PM UTC