Completion of Legend and Master difficulty Lost Sectors has long stood as the exclusive method for players to obtain the newest Exotic armor in Destiny 2. Despite the initial positivity around the idea, low drop rate chances have left players less than content with the system over the years—something that only got worse when the Lightfall expansion made them harder with a higher associated Power level.
Thankfully, Bungie has made good on the promise of re-assessing Lost Sector rewards if drop rates proved to not match expectations. Now live, a hotfix released today for Destiny 2 has increased the drop rate of Exotic Armor for solo players completing Legend or Master Lost Sectors.
The drop rate upgrade comes amid a patch otherwise filled with smaller quality-of-life fixes and bug squashing. Notable issues such as the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk Exotic not properly granting anti-barrier capabilities and Guardians appearing “invisible” due to failing to render in properly are among the list of fixes already implemented. The reduced commendation score requirements for the Guardian Ranks, an update introduced earlier this week, is also now correctly reflected by the in-game text.
While there is currently a lack of specifics given as to how much the Exotic drop rate has been buffed for Lost Sector runs, it’s fair to assume the change is significant given how much longer a run typically now takes. The increased difficulty, in combination with Neomuna’s more extensive Lost Sector designs, mean that the average seven to nine runs formerly needed for a single Exotic reward no longer feel justified for the majority.
A lot of recent community discussion has centered around whether or not the higher difficulty Lost Sectors still work as a reward path, with one popular post pointing out how the Guardian Rank system means they are now required to unlock more loadout slots as well, but we’ll see if improved rewards are enough to bring them back into favor for the wider community.
Published: Mar 16, 2023 8:32 PM UTC