Another Destiny 2 season and another Artifact to unlock. In the Season of the Wish, it’s the Queensfoil Censer, and with it is an interesting selection of mods catering to a number of subclasses, but in particular Solar, Strand, and Stasis mains will be very happy with the offerings here.
Here are our picks for the best Artifact Mods you’ll want to grab first in Destiny 2’s Season of the Wish.
The best Artifact Mods to unlock first in Destiny 2: Season of the Wish

Column One: Piercing Sidearm
Sidearms are one of the most underused weapon archetypes in Destiny 2, but it’ll be best to have one on standby in Season of the Wish as Piercing Sidearm is the only Artifact Mod that assists in bringing down Barrier Champions.
Sure, you can spec into an Unraveling Strand build or go all-out with Solar Radiant effects to passively break the Barriers, but for those leaning into just about any other subclass, you won’t have a way to deal with those pesky Barrier champs in mid-to-endgame activities. The last thing you’ll want is to queue up a Nightfall with a party and not have a way to deal with a third of the champions. Don’t be that guy: bring a sidearm as backup.
Column Two: Kindling Trigger
Our first Solar Artifact Mod in the list, Kindling Trigger activates when you pick up the Radiant buff. Solar weapons will apply Scorch to unscorched combatants, accelerating the rate at which enemies accrue Scorch and Ignite effects.
With many of the mods affecting Solar this season (and particularly around Ignitions), getting a head-start on Scorch without needing to run Incandescent on a weapon is a handy boost.
Column Two: From Whence You Came
From Whence You Came is a simple mod: Your abilities will deal more damage to Scorn and Taken enemies. It’s looking like it’ll be a pretty important perk this season, as both the Dreaming City, its various season activities, and the dungeon Warlord’s Ruin see us take on these enemies.
Solar builds revolve heavily around grenade and melee ability use, so wiping out red bars with these abilities will be key.
Column Three: Flint Striker
Do you want the Radiant damage buff without wanting to run a Solar subclass this season? The Flint Striker mod is for you. Unlocking Flint Striker sees rapid Solar precision hits or final blows grant the user Radiant, buffing all weapon damage output for a short time.
This works even on another subclass, but of course, you’ll be limited to using a Solar primary or special weapon first to unlock the buff. Nevertheless, it’ll work great with those opting into the Darkness tree given the Strand options this season.
Column Four: Revitalizing Blast
Ah yes, our token-weakening Artifact Mod of the season. Revitalizing Blast applies a debuff on any enemy hit with a Solar ability, with any incoming damage to that enemy boosted.
Throw your Solar grenade or ability at a boss and watch it melt as your team dishes out extra damage. The buff affects all sources of damage so everyone will be able to receive a benefit from just a single Solar user. A must-grab for anyone running Solar this season.
Column Five: Rays of Precision
We’ve got Kindling Trigger for the Scorch, why not go all-out and grab Rays of Precision for the Ignitions too? This tier-five mod causes combatants to ignite on death. You’ll need to be Radiant and you’ll need to use a Solar weapon, but converting whatever Solar gun into Sunshot sounds pretty great to me.
Ignitions also help deal with Unstoppable Champions and a huge number of adds who stack up and with the right build and setup can see you shower the map in Orbs of Power for you and your teammates.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 7:37 AM UTC