Professions complete World of Warcraft’s MMORPG fantasy to such an extent that today imagining WoW without professions is, honestly speaking, impossible. Not only do professions entertain the WoW community for hours and hours, but they also play an incredible role in gearing progression since specific profession masters can only craft some best-in-slot items.
Introduced back at the beginning of WoW Classic, Blacksmithing is an old-school profession that arms the Blacksmithing apprentice with the knowledge to smelt ores from the wide world of Azeroth and Outland and to craft unique plate gear that can take pressure off arduous leveling process. On top of that, there are more than plenty of crafted plate pieces that sometimes serve as pre-BIS or even BIS.
With Wrath of the Lich King Classic expansion never being closer, leveling Blacksmithing has never been more important, particularly for Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors that will, without doubt, dominate the DPS charts in both PvP and PvE scenarios. Since leveling Blacksmithing is time and money-consuming, here’s a guide to efficiently level Blacksmithing and avoid unnecessary costs.
Learning Blacksmithing
Beginning your Blacksmithing career is fairly easy because all you need to do is to visit any capital city. In the capital city, you’ll find Apprentice-Artisans that will teach you the basics of Blacksmithing. Once you have perfected your Blacksmithing skills to Master tier, you’ll need to head to the Dark Portal and enter the Outlands territory. In Outlands, you’ll find Master Blacksmithing trainers dwelling in Hellfire Peninsula. Then, you can safely continue your Blacksmithing leveling. After you hit level 375 in Blacksmithing, you can pay a visit to Grandmaster Blacksmithing trainers in either Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. There they will happily teach you the deepest secrets of Blacksmithing, and you’ll be able to craft the finest plate gear. On top of all this, in WOTLK Classic, you’ll be able to choose between two Blacksmithing specializations—Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing. So, consider your future needs and choose a Blacksmithing specialization carefully.
Getting started with Jewelcrafting
After learning the fundamentals of Blacksmithing, the next step in your Blacksmithing adventure is gathering the leveling materials. Remember that whenever you want to level your Blacksmithing, you’ll need to find a forge and an anvil. Both forges and anvils can normally be found in capital cities and nearby Blacksmithing trainers. So, before leveling your Blacksmithing, you’ll need to go shopping or gather materials. Since most materials come from Mining, starting this profession simultaneously with Blacksmithing would be best to avoid hefty auction house expenses.
Here’s the list of essential materials used to level Blacksmithing:
Vendor-bought items:
Amount | Item |
35 | Green Dye |
200 | Coal |
Amount | Material | Location |
150 | Copper Bar | Copper Veins located in Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Mulgore, Durotar, the Barrens |
150 | Rough Stone | Copper Veins |
100 | Coarse Stone | Tin Veins located in Ashenvale, Redridge Mountains, Wetlands, Loch Modan, Hillsbrad Foothills, Duskwood, Thousand Needles, the Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, Silverpine Forest |
Seven | Silver Bars | Silver Veins located in Arathi Highlands, the Barrens, Thousand Needles, Hillsbrad Foothills, Stranglethorn Vale, Badlands, Stonetalon Mountains |
150 | Bronze Bars | Copper and Tin Veins |
110 | Heavy Stone | Iron Veins located in Arathi Highlands, Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Thousand Needles, Alterac Mountains, Badlands, Ashenvale, Swamp of Sorrows, Dustwallow Marsh, Hillsbrad Foothills |
Five | Gold Bars | Gold Veins in Arathi Highlands, Badlands, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, The Hinterlands, Alterac Mountains, Thousand Needles, Desolace, Azshara, Searing Gorge |
200 | Steel Bar | Iron Veins |
12 | Citrine | Mithril Veins located in the Hinterlands, Tanaris, Azshara, Desolace, Badlands, Searing Gorge, Stranglethorn Vale, Feralas, Arathi Highlands, Burning Steppes Truesilver Veins located in Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, the Hinterlands, Un’Goro Crater, Azshara, Tanaris, Western Plaguelands, Badlands |
370 | Solid Stone | Mithril Veins |
65 | Mageweave Cloth | Dropped from 42-50 mobs |
180 | Mithril Bar | Mithril Veins |
25 | Dense Stone | Thorium Veins located in Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Azshara, Burning Steppes, Un’Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands |
450 | Thorium bar | Thorium Veins |
90/20 | Rugged Leather/ Star Ruby | Skinned from 46-62 mobs/Thorium Veins |
180 | Fel Iron Bar | Fel Iron Veins in Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Shadowmoon Valley, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, Netherstorm, and The Steamvault |
15 | Netherweave Cloth | Dropped from Outland mobs |
100 | Adamantite Bar | Adamantite Veins located in Nagrand, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Netherstorm, Shadowmoon Valley, Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh |
320 | Cobalt Bar | Cobalt Veins in Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Zul’Drak, and Grizzly Hills |
480 | Saronite Bar | Saronite Veins in The Storm Peaks, Wintergrasp, Sholazar Basin, and Icecrown |
20 | Crystalized Air | Dropped by elites in Northrend or bought from special vendors in Dalaran Note: 10 Crystalized Air makes one Eternal Air. |
30 | Eternal Earth | Dropped by elites in Northrend or bought from special vendors in Dalaran Note: 10 Crystalized Earth makes one Eternal Earth. |
10 | Eternal Water | Dropped by elites in Northrend or bought from special vendors in Dalaran Note: 10 Crystalized Water makes one Eternal Water. |
10 | Eternal Shadow | Dropped by elites in Northrend or bought from special vendors in Dalaran Note: 10 Crystalized Shadow makes one Eternal Shadow. |
20 | Titanium Bar | Titanium Veins in Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra, Icecrown, Dragonblight, Crystalsong Forest, Wintergrasp, The Storm Peaks |
85 | Titansteel Bar | Titanium Veins |
10 | Frozen Orb | Rare drop in dungeons and raids |
Leveling Blacksmithing
Classic era
- 1-30 craft Rough Sharpening Stone
- 30-65 craft Rough Grinding Stone
- Learn the next level of Blacksmithing
- 65-90 craft Coarse Grinding Stone
- 90-100 craft Runed Copper Belt
- 100-105 craft Silver Rod
- 105-110 craft Runed Copper Belt
- 110-125 craft Rough Bronze Leggings
- Learn the next level of Blacksmithing
- 125-150 craft Heavy Grinding Stone
- 150-155 craft Golden Rod
- 155-165 craft Green Iron Leggings
- 165-190 craft Green Iron Bracers
- 190-200 craft Golden Scale Bracers
- 200-205 craft Truesilver Rod
- 205-210 craft Solid Grinding Stone
- 210-225 craft Heavy Mithril Gauntlet
- Learn the next level of Blacksmithing
- 225-235 craft Steel Plate Helm
- 235-250 craft Mithril Coif
- 250-260 craft Dense Sharpening Stone
- 260-270 craft Thorium Belt
- 270-275 craft Thorium Bracers
- 275-290 craft Imperial Plate Bracers
- 290-300 craft Thorium Boots
TBC era
- Learn the next level of Blacksmithing
- 300-305 craft Fel Weightstone
- 305-325 craft Fel Iron Plate Belt or Fel Iron Chain Gloves
- 325-335 craft Lesser Rune of Warding
- 335-340 craft Fel Iron Chain Tunic
- 340-350 craft Lesser Ward of Shielding
- Learn the next level of Blacksmithing
- 350-360 craft Cobalt Boots or Cobalt Belt
- 360-370 craft Cobalt Triangle Shield or Cobalt Bracers
- 370-375 craft Cobalt Legplates or Cobalt Helm
- 375-380 craft Cobalt Gauntlets
- 380-405 craft Reinforced Cobalt Shoulders or Reinforced Cobalt Chestpiece
- 405-415 craft Deadly Saronite Dirk
- 415-425 craft Eternal Belt Buckle
- 425-430 craft Titanium Weapon Chain
- 430-435 craft Savage Saronite Hauberk
- 435-445 craft Daunting Legplates
- 445-450 craft epic armor
Published: Sep 12, 2022 8:32 AM UTC