During Season of Discovery, WoW Classic players are discovering a new item finding its way into their inventory bags: Waylaid Supplies. These items can be turned into your local Supply Officer in your capitol city, so for the risen Forsaken undead, that means heading to the Undercity.
Turning in Waylaid Supplies means increasing your standing with this season’s new faction, Durotar Supply and Logistics, which can lead to new seasonal Runes and abilities for your character. But while this company may be based in Durotar, you don’t have to travel to a different continent just to do business with them if your journey begins in Tirisfal Glades.
Here’s the exact location of the Undercity Supply Officer in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
Where can you find the Supply Officer in the Undercity in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?

The Undercity Supply Officer, Gishah, can be found in the upper central ring, or Trade Quarter, of the Undercity. Gishah is to the right of the light armor merchant and the general trade supplier, on the side of the central ring closest to the War Quarter. If you have a Waylaid Supply crate in your bag, Gishah will have a a blue question mark above their head. Their exact coordinates are 64.57, 38.56.

For those new to WoW in general, finding your way into the Undercity can be a bit more confusing than entering other capitol cities. After arriving at the Ruins of Lordaeron, walk through the gate and through the main courtyard towards the southern door. Take either the left or right opening to go inside, then go either left or right past the throne room. Behind the throne room are three hallways with Undercity Guardians guarding the doorway. Wait for the elevator to open in any hallway, walk inside, and get off once you reach the Undercity level.
Gishah’s exceptionally close proximity to the Undercity bank is very opportune, as you can easily drop off Waylaid Supply orders you haven’t completed yet.
How do Waylaid Supplies work in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
Waylaid Supplies are dropped randomly from mobs you defeat. You can only hold a single Waylaid Supply in your inventory, but you can store multiple in the bank if you want to complete them later.
Waylaid Supplies can either be turned in completed or empty. An empty or uncompleted Waylaid Supply awards you with 100 reputation. Completing the order with the denoted ingredients will earn you six silver and 300 reputation.
Published: Dec 4, 2023 9:36 PM UTC