Maelstrom Weapon is the strongest Shaman ability you can get in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, and its Rune has already been found.
This ability gives you a chance to reduce the cast time of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Chain Heal, or Lava Burst spells by 20 percent when you strike a target with a melee attack. It can stack up to five times, so you can instantly cast one of these abilities.
Although this Rune might seem like it’s only good for Enhancement Shamans, Restoration, Elemental, and even tank Shamans can make use of it with the right strategy. So, here’s how to get the Maelstrom Weapon Rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How to get the Maelstrom Weapon Rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
Maelstrom Weapon will likely be one of the most popular Shaman abilities during Season of Discovery phase two, and getting it isn’t an easy task. It involves a tough quest, and you have to defeat a level 38 elite. I recommend you tackle it once you’re level 35 or higher. The Maelstrom Weapon Rune was first discovered by players on the Shaman Classic Discord server. Here’s our step-by-step guide to get the Maelstrom Weapon Rune so you can finally snatch the top spot on the DPS charts.
Step one
- Gather a group and clear the Razorfen Kraul dungeon in southern Barrens.
- The final boss of the dungeon, Charlga Razorflank, drops the Tattered Note item.
- Loot that item and right-click it in your bag to start the quest.
Step two

- Head to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles (the zone south of the Barrens).
- Turn in the quest at Rau Cliffrunner at coordinates 46.0, 51.6.
- Accept the next quest.
Step three

- Head toward Alterac Valley.
- Find a Shaman called Bath’rah the Windwatcher at coordinates 80.4, 66.8.
- Talk to him and accept the quests Power of da Earth, Power of da Wind, and Power of da Water.
Step four
- The Power of da Wind quest tasks you with getting 10 Whirling Essence for Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
- Defeat Whirlwind Rippers in Desolace. They’re scattered around the zone.
- Return to Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
Step five

- The Power of da Water quest tasks you with gathering 10 Rushing Essence for Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
- Defeat Withervine Creeper in Dustwallow Marsh. They’re in the north part of the region.
- Return to Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
Step six

- The Power of da Earth quest tasks you with gathering 10 Rumbling Essence for Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
- Defeat Lesser Rock Elementals just outside Kargath in Badlands.
- Return to Bath’rah the Windwatcher.
Step seven
- Buy Crystal Vial from any Alchemy Supplies vendor. You can get one from Christoph Jeffcoat in Tarren Mill, among many other places.
- Return to Bath’rah the Windwatcher and turn in the quest.
Step eight
- Return to Rau Cliffrunner at Freewind Post in Thousand Needles.
- Turn in the quest and accept Calm Before the Storm.
Step nine
- Talk to the female Tauren, Nyse, at coordinates 45.0, 49.2, and she will fly you to the storm.
- Defeat the Ravaging Tempest elemental.
- Loot Eye of the Tempest.
Step 10
- Go back to Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Altarac Mountains.
- Turn in the quest.
- You’ll be rewarded with the Maelstrom Weapon Rune. Use it to get the ability.
Published: Feb 9, 2024 2:03 PM UTC