There are nine classes in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery. To make sure not all classes are the same, Blizzard implemented a talent tree where players can customize their classes. These talent trees are what dictate your specialization—but you can change that spec.
When a character in WoW Classic SoD reaches level 10, they unlock the talent tree. Customizing these talent trees means the difference between being a damage dealer, a tank, or a healer. If you aren’t satisfied with your chosen talent spec points, here’s how you can change them.
How to change your spec in WoW Classic SoD

To change your spec, visit your class trainer and pick the second option. Trainers are located in all major cities. The option will say, “I wish to unlearn all my talents.” The class trainer will ask if you are sure. Say that you are, and a small window will pop up with a fee for how much it will cost to reset your talent points. This fee increases each time you change your talents. Pay the fee, and all your talent points will be reset. Open your talent tree again and assign points

How do talent trees work in WoW Classic SoD?
When you hit level 10, a new icon called talents will appear on your menu screen. Each class has three talent trees, and you get one point for each level reached.
Currently, in SoD, you can only have 16 talent points.
How you assign these points is up to you, but do be warned that there is a meta in each version of WoW, and SoD is no different. In other words, while I encourage you to experiment with talent points, in the end, you’ll probably end up with what is considered the best.
Talent specs can also determine the role you play in a group. Normally, Priests are healers, but if you invest points into the shadow tree, a Priest will be considered a DPS. Warriors are often tanks, but Fury warriors who wield two-handed weapons usually can’t tank very well and are considered DPSers.

In SoD, classes like Warlock and Rogue can even be tanks with the right talent builds, so it’s important to know ahead before you assign your points.
Can you have dual spec in WoW Classic SoD?
No, you can’t dual spec. It’s unclear whether or not Blizzard will add the option to have two talent specs in SoD. However, seeing how Dual specialization was introduced all the way in Wrath of the Lich King, it’s unlikely that it will get added in this version of WoW Classic.
While you can change rune engravings whenever you want, talent trees are still set in stone until you pay a fine.
How do I know if I’m picking the right spec in WoW Classic SoD?
This is something all players ask when playing WoW (no matter which version).
If this is your first time playing WoW, I highly recommend you just play around with your class until you hit max level, and then worry about talent points.
When you are ready to specialize for certain roles, the easiest way to know if you are picking the right spec is to check online for the best talent builds.
We have talent builds for all classes in WoW Classic SoD, too, so feel free to check them out.
Published: Dec 8, 2023 8:45 PM UTC