The Burning Crusade is the first yet unforgettable World of Warcraft expansion that welcomed back iconic Warcraft names like Illidan Stormrage, Lady Vashj, Prince Kael’thas, and Kil’jaeden in flesh and blood. On top of this, TBC brought to life the story of the Dark Portal, the infamous Burning Crusade, and the extraordinary eredar race, Draenei.
As we dive head first into Outland to uncover the secrets of the nebulous lands of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley, we oftentimes wander into the gloomy and stifling dungeons of TBC to speed up the leveling process and earn the necessary reputation. Although dungeon runs are typically optional, in TBC, they are heavily tied to reputation grind, and therefore unlocking further instances.
Related: World of Warcraft Classic dungeon guide
Since TBC introduced numerous fresh dungeons giving depth to the already well-developed lore, heroic mode, and reputations tied to the heroic mode, navigating all that information can be rather difficult and confusing. To reduce the confusion to the minimum, we’ve created a comprehensive TBC Classic dungeon guide that tackles the minimum and optimal level requirements, quests, location and dungeon entrance, regular and rare bosses, and available loot table.
World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade dungeon guide
Hellfire Ramparts

- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 60 to 62
- Mandatory quests to open the dungeon: Weaken the Ramparts and Dark Tidings
- Heroic only quests: Wanted: Nazan’s Riding Crop (daily quest)
- Location: Hellfire Peninsula
- Entrance: Hellfire Citadel
- Bosses: Watchkeeper Gargolmar, Omor the Unscarred, and Vazruden and Nazan
- Loot table: Normal- Lifegiver Britches, Shifting Sash of Midnight, Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets, Ironsole Clompers, Crystalfire Staff, and Hellreaver
- Heroic- Tree-Mender’s Belt, Wild Stalker Boots, Lion’s Heart Girdle
The Blood Furnace
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 61 to 63
- Mandatory quests to open the dungeon: Weaken the Ramparts and Dark Tidings
- Quests: Heart of Rage and The Blood is Life
- Location: Hellfire Peninsula
- Entrance: Hellfire Citadel
- Bosses: The Maker, Broggok, and Keli’dan the Breaker
- Loot table: Normal- Mindfire Waistband, Vest of Vengeance, Girdle of the Gale Storm, Ironblade Gauntlets, Auslese’s Light Channeler, and Warsong Howling Axe
- Heroic- Icon of Unyielding Courage, Embroidered Spellpyre Boots, and Talisman of the Breaker
The Shattered Halls
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 69 to 70
- Quests: Turning the Tide/The Will of the Warchief, and Pride of the Fel Horde
- Quest chains: Tear of the Earthmother
- Location: Hellfire Peninsula
- Entrance: Hellfire Citadel
- Bosses: Grand Warlock Nethekurse, Blood Guard Porung (Heroic only), Warbringer O’mrogg, and Warchief Kargath Bladefist
- Loot table: Normal- Mindfire Waistband, Vest of Vengeance, Girdle of the Gale Storm, Ironblade Gauntlets, Auslese’s Light Channeler, and Warsong Howling Axe
- Heroic- Icon of Unyielding Courage, Embroidered Spellpyre Boots, and Talisman of the Breaker
The Slave Pens

- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 62 to 64
- Quests: Lost in Action
- Location: Zangarmarsh
- Entrance: Coilfang Reservoir
- Bosses: Mennu the Betrayer, Rokmar the Crackler, and Quagmirran
- Loot table: Normal- Princely Reign Leggings, Deft Handguards, Vest of Living Lightning, Unscarred Breastplate, Coilfang Hammer of Renewal, and Coilfang Needler
- Heroic- Quagmirran’s Eye, Traitor’s Noose, and Midnight Legguards
The Underbog
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 63 to 65
- Quests: Lost in Action, Bring Me A Shrubbery!, Oh, It’s On!, and Stalk the Stalker
- Location: Zangarmarsh
- Entrance: Coilfang Reservoir
- Bosses: Hungarfen, Ghaz’an, Swamplord Musel’ek, The Black Stalker
- Loot table: Normal- Manaspark Gloves, Starlight Gauntlets, Shamblehide Chestguard, Greaves of the Iron Guardian, Zangartooth Shortblade, and Hatebringer
- Heroic- Argussian Compass, Stormshield of Renewal, and The Black Stalk
The Steamvault
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 68 to 70
- Quests: Orders from Lady Vashj and The Warlord’s Hideout
- Chain quests: The Second and Third Fragments and Underworld Loam
- Heroic only quests: Trial of the Naaru: Strength
- Location: Zangarmarsh
- Entrance: Coilfang Reservoir
- Bosses: Hydromancer Thespia, Mekgineer Steamrigger, and Warlord Kalithresh
- Loot table: Normal- Sash of Serpentra, Moonglade Shoulders, Beast Lord Leggings, Gauntlets of the Bold, and Serpentcrest Life-Staff
- Heroic- Pontifex Kilt, Amber Bands of the Aggressor, and Wrathtide Longbow

- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 64 to 66
- Quests: Safety Is Job One, Someone Else’s Hard Work Pays Off, and Undercutting the Competition
- Location: Terokkar Forest
- Entrance: Auchindoun
- Bosses: Pandemonius, Tavarok, Nexus-Prince Shaffar, and Yor (Heroic only)
- Loot table: Normal- Ethereal Boots of the Skystrider, Nethershade Boots, Mask of the Howling Storm, Faith Bearer’s Gauntlets, Staff of Polarities, and Shield of the Void
- Heroic- Ring of Conflict Survival, Band of the Crystalline Void, and Yor’s Revenge
Auchenai Crypts
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 65 to 67
- Quests: Everything Will Be Alright, and Auchindoun… (Horde only)
- Location: Terokkar Forest
- Entrance: Auchindoun
- Bosses: Shirrak the Dead Watcher and Exarch Maladaar
- Loot table: Normal- Slippers of Serenity, Raven-Heart Headdress, Mok’Nathal Beast-Mask, Hope Bearer Helm, Shaarde the Lesser, and Ironstaff of Regeneration
- Heroic- Fanblade Pauldrons, Light-Touched Stole of Altruism, and Draenic Wildstaff
Sethekk Halls
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 67-69
- Quests: Brother Against Brother and Terokk’s Legacy
- Location: Terokkar Forest
- Entrance: Auchindoun
- Bosses: Darkweaver Syth, Anzu (Heroic only), and Talon King Ikiss
- Loot table: Normal- Trousers of Oblivion, Shoulderpads of Assassination, Greaves of Desolation, Deathforge Girdle, and Crow Wing Reaper
- Heroic- Spaulders of Dementia, Bracers of the Hunt, and Terokk’s Shadowstaff
Shadow Labyrinth
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 69 to 70
- Quests: Trouble at Auchindoun, The Codex of Blood, Into the Heart of the Labyrinth, and The Soul Devices
- Quest chains: The Book of Fel Names, The Lexicon Demonica, and Entry Into Karazhan
- Location: Terokkar Forest
- Entrance: Auchindoun
- Bosses: Ambassador Hellmaw, Blackheart the Inciter, Grandmaster Vorpil, and Murmur
- Loot table: Normal- Hallowed Pauldrons, Leggings of Assassination, Tidefury Kilt, Shoulderguards of the Bold, Sonic Spear, and Adamantine Figurine
- Heroic- Etched Fire Opal, Master Thief’s Gloves, and Shockwave Truncheon
Old Hillsbrad Foothills

- Minimal level: 66
- Optimal level: 66 to 68
- Mandatory quests to enter the dungeon- To The Master’s Lair and The Caverns of Time
- Quests: The Caverns of Time, Taretha’s Diversion, Escape from Durnholde, and Return to Andormu
- Location: Tanaris
- Entrance: Caverns of Time
- Bosses: Lieutenant Drake, Captain Skarloc, and Epoch Hunter
- Loot table: Normal- Pauldrons of Sufferance, Mantle of Perenolde, Scaled Greaves of Patience, Durotan’s Battle Harness, Northshire Battlemace, and Amani Venom-Axe
- Heroic- Doomplate Warhelm, Dathrohan’s Ceremonial Hammer, and Nightfall Wristguards
The Black Morass
- Minimal level: 66
- Optimal level: 70
- Mandatory quests to enter the dungeon- The Black Morass
- Quests: The Opening of the Dark Portal, and Hero of the Brood
- Quest chains: The Master’s Touch and Return to Khadgar
- Location: Tanaris
- Entrance: Caverns of Time
- Bosses: Chrono Lord Deja, Temporus, and Aeonus
- Loot table: Normal- Khadgar’s Kilt of Abjuration, Handgrips of Assassination, Helm of Desolation, Legplates of the Bold, Hourglass of the Unraveller, and Scarab of the Infinite Cycle
- Heroic- Glinting Fire Opal, Girdle of the Deathdealer, and Breeches of the Occultist
The Botanica
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 70
- Quest chains: How to Break Into the Arcatraz and Capturing the Keystone
- Location: Netherstorm
- Entrance: Tempest Keep
- Bosses: Commander Sarannis, High Botanist Freywinn, Thorngrin the Tender, Laj, and Warp Splinter
- Loot table: Normal- Energis Armwraps, Mantle of Autumn, Beast Lord Cuirass, Spaulders of the Righteous, and Bangle of Endless Blessings
- Heroic- Imperial Tanzanite, Gauntlets of Dissension, and Feral Staff of Lashing
The Mechanar
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 70
- Quest chains: How to Break Into the Arcatraz and Fresh from the Mechanar
- Location: Netherstorm
- Entrance: Tempest Keep
- Bosses: Mechano-Lord Capacitus, Mechanar Gatewatchers (Gyro-Kill, Iron-Hand), Nethermancer Sepethrea, and Pathaleon the Calculator
- Loot table: Normal-Incanter’s Cowl, Tunic of Assassination, Beast Lord Helm, Jade-Skull Breastplate, Hammer of the Penitent, and Abacus of Violent Odds
- Heroic- Shining Fire Opal, Boots of the Pious, and The Sun Eater
The Arcatraz
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 70
- Quests: Harbinger of Doom, Seer Udalo, The Second and Third Fragments
- Heroic only quests: Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity, Wanted: Arcatraz Sentinels, and Wanted: The Scroll of Skyriss
- Location: Netherstorm
- Entrance: Tempest Keep
- Bosses: Zereketh the Unbound, Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates, Dalliah the Doomsayer, and Harbinger Skyriss
- Loot table: Normal- Hallowed Crown, Helm of Assassination, Tidefury Chestpiece, Breastplate of the Bold, and Shiffar’s Nexus-Horn
- Heroic- Belt of Depravity, Deadly Fire Opal, and Vileblade of the Betrayer
Magisters’ Terrace
- Minimal level: 55
- Optimal level: 70
- Quest chains: Crisis at the Sunwell (Aldor) / Duty Calls (Scryers), Magisters’ Terrace, The Scryer’s Scryer, and Hard to Kill
- Daily quests: Wanted: The Signet Ring of Prince Kael’thas (Heroic only) and Wanted: Sisters of Torment (Normal or Heroic Difficulty)
- Location: Netherstorm
- Entrance: Tempest Keep
- Bosses: Selin Fireheart, Vexallus, Priestess Delrissa, and Kael’thas Sunstrider
- Loot table: Normal- Gloves of Arcane Acuity, Sunrage Treads, Hauberk of the War Bringer, and Sunstrider Warboots
- Heroic- Commendation of Kael’thas, Vial of the Sunwell, Timbal’s Focusing Crystal, Shard of Contempt, Phoenix Hatchling, and Swift White Hawkstrider
Published: Sep 19, 2022 1:39 PM UTC