Bonus objectives in World of Warcraft are additional limited-time quests in a specific zone that will immediately become active as you enter the area with a bonus objective. Introduced with the release of Warlords of Draenor in 2014, bonus objectives typically award players who complete them with experience, gold, and relevant expansion currency like Dragon Isles Supplies.
In Dragonflight, bonus objectives are a great way to level up quickly and pick up some gold for repairs. Generally, bonus objectives don’t take up a lot of your time and task you with killing a couple of wild animals.
Since the expansion is still in its infancy, there are still more than a handful of bugs plaguing different bonus objectives, quests, and achievements, and stopping players from completing them. One of those bugged bonus objectives is the special encounter with Gruffy. So, let’s look at how and where you can find Gruffy in Dragonflight.
Where to find Gruffy in WoW Dragonflight
Gruffy is one of the special encounters in the Azure Span, located at coordinates 32.65 29.15. The mob is an elite that’s part of Adventurer of The Azure Span achievement and it should spawn every time the bonus objective is up. Normally, Gruffy should be active whenever the bonus objective is active and should respawn shortly after players kill it.
Players have been reporting that Gruffy is not spawning despite the objective being up. After spending hours of camping at the mentioned location, Gruffy didn’t spawn. So, it’s safe to assume that the quest is bugged and the mob is not spawning at all. Unfortunately, there still hasn’t been any response from Blizzard Entertainment regarding this bonus objective since they have tons of larger bugs they need to address first before they can fix Gruffy.
Published: Dec 7, 2022 2:08 PM UTC