Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr is the latest World of Warcraft dungeon added to the game with phase two pre-patch of Dragonflight, which launched on Nov. 15. It’s located in the Badlands zone on the Eastern Kingdom. The dungeon currently has two levels of difficulty—Normal and Heroic, but it’s expected to join the Mythic+ dungeon pool in future seasons. The mythic+ dungeon pool in season one of Dragonflight will include the following dungeons: Algeth’ar Academy, Ruby Life Pools, The Azure Vault, The Nokhud Offensive, Court of Stars (Legion), Halls of Valor (Legion), Shadowmoon Burial Grounds (Warlords of Draenor), and Temple of the Jade Serpent (Mists of Pandaria).
Designed as a five-boss dungeon, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr does not render the original Uldaman dungeon obsolete. Instead, you can enter the dungeons separately and run them normally. In other words, there are now two Uldaman dungeons—the original Uldaman dungeon, released back in 2004, and Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr, released on Nov. 15, 2022.
Since this dungeon is entirely new to the game, we’ll take a look at everything it has to offer, including its lore, entrance, level requirement, unlockable checkpoints, encounters and boss mechanics, loot table, and achievements.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr lore in a nutshell
Originally, Uldaman has been an ancient titan facility where we, during the early days of WoW, discovered the fabled Discs of Norgannon. The Discs of Norgannon are ancient artifacts that are transcribing the history of Azeroth as it unfolds. The discs were crafted by titans Loken and Mimiron. Once Loken fell under the influence of Old Gods, Tyr and his allies, Archaedas and Ironaya, stole the artifact and eventually hid it deep in Uldaman.
After returning to the Dragon Isles, Queen Alextraza learned that, besides the Discs of Norgannon, there’s one more disc locked away in the depths of Uldaman. This disc might hold the memories of Keeper Tyr himself, which might be the key to dragonflights restoring their ancient powers. So, Queen Alextraza sends us, the heroes of Azeroth, to find Tyr’s memories and hopefully secure the future of dragonflights.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr entrance

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr is located on the continent of the Eastern Kingdom in Badlands. In the northern part of the zone, you’ll find a region called Uldaman at coordinates 45,12. When you reach the dungeon area, you should see two separate entrances, just like in the image above. To enter Uldaman, either fly or walk up the right ramp and enter the dungeon that’s on the higher ground. Keep in mind that if you enter the dungeon on the left side, you’ll end up in the original Uldaman dungeon.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr level requirement
The minimum level you’ll need to have to enter Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr and start unraveling the secrets hidden in its depths is level 60. Once you reach level 60, you can find the dungeon under Specific Dungeons and then World Events.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr unlockable checkpoints
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr has three unlockable checkpoints across the dungeon. To access these checkpoints, you’ll use a Neglected Mole Machine that will be on your right when respawning after dying. Bear in mind that you’ll unlock more checkpoints as you progress through the dungeon. Here’s how to unlock each checkpoint:
- When you defeat a boss called Bromach, you’ll see the first checkpoint to your right. It is called Alpha.
- The second checkpoint will be activated after you defeat Emberon and it’s located in the cave that you cleared just before the boss. The second checkpoint is called Beta.
- The final checkpoint is located at the end of the Earthworks area. Bear in mind that the teleport won’t work until you pull Chrono-Lord Deios for the first time.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr boss encounters and mechanics
The dungeon has five bosses in total and it’s currently available on only two difficulties: Normal and Heroic. The bosses featured in this dungeon are the Lost Dwarves, Bromach, Sentinel Talondras, Emberon, and Chrono-Lord Deios. Here are the most important mechanics you should stay mindful of.
The Lost Dwarves
The Lost Dwarves is a boss that includes three separate mobs called Baelog, Eric “The Swift,” and Olaf. Each boss has two unique mechanics and a shared ultimate ability. Bealog has a cleave ability called Wild Cleave that will do damage to anyone within 10 yards of him. So, it would be best if the group would simply spread out, especially ranged. He also has the ability called Heavy Arrow that does damage in a straight line and knocks players back. The tanks should definitely stay aware of this spell and should direct the boss away from the group.
Eric has Skullcracker spell that randomly selects a target and does physical damage to a random target and disorients them. Since this spell has an AoE effect, it’s even more important to stay spread out during this encounter. The second Eric’s spell is Dagger Throw. Similar to Skullcracer, Dagger Throw randomly selects a target and deals 100 percent of his normal attack damage. This spell can’t be avoided or interrupted so you’ll either have to heal through it or use a personal defensive cooldown.
Olaf’s Ricocheting Shield targets a random player and can ricochet to up to five players. So, stay at a safe distance from the rest of the group to avoid unnecessary jump scares for your healer and wipes. His other ability is Defensive Bulwark. Jumping his allies to help, Olaf raises his shield and reduces all incoming damage by 75 percent. Thankfully, this ability can be interrupted.
If any of the dwarves reach 100 energy, they will retreat to a longboat traveling across the boss room. Besides that, they will jump on the longboat when they reach 10 percent of HP. While on the longboat, they will fire Searing Cannonfire at players’ locations that will, if they get hit, get knocked back and suffer fire damage. Since this is a relatively visible spell, you can easily dodge this. For each dwarf abandoning the ship, the longboat will increase its rate of fire.
Only a few seconds into the fight, Bromach will cast Call of the Deep, summoning Stonevault Geomancers and Stonevault Ambusher. Interrupt Stonevault Geomancers whenever you can. For Stonevault Ambushers, you should stay spread out since they ambush a random target and do physical damage to any nearby players.
Bromach will also cast Thundering Slam that does Nature damage to all players within 12 yards of him so just leap out of his range whenever you see this spell coming.
He will also cast Bloodlust, which grants him 30 percent of haste for 20 seconds. The cast is relatively long and you, unfortunately, can’t interrupt this. This also applies to any adds that are alive at the moment of him casting the spell.
The boss will also summon Quaking Totem, which does AoE damage to players every two seconds. When the totem spawns, you’ll need to focus all of your damage on it since it will, once destroyed, stun all living Geomancers and Ambushers causing them to take 200 percent more damage.
Sentinel Talondras
Sentinel Talondras has four spells: Ancient Dynamo, Resonating Orb, Crushing Stomp, and Earthen Shards. Beginning the encounter with buff Inexorable, Sentinel Talondras will resist the first two stun abilities used on her. This is tied to her Ancient Dynamo ability that will generate energy over time. Stunning the sentinel will reset the energy, but after three seconds of being stunned, she will cast Inexorable once more and start gaining energy. If she reaches 100 energy, she casts Titanic Empowerment, becomes immune to all CC effects, and does 20 percent more damage.
To stop her from becoming empowered, you’ll use her own ability, Resonating Orb, against her. The orbs will spawn during the entire encounter at players’ locations. Since stepping into the orb will stun anyone, including the boss, for six seconds, you’ll need to run Sentinel Talondras through two orbs to remove Inexorable, and one more time to stun her and reset her energy.
She will also cast Crushing Stomp that damages all players and knocks them away. Since it can’t be interrupted, you’ll have to heal through this and use personal cooldowns.
The final spell is Earthern Shards which randomly targets a player, initially dealing physical damage, and then doing additional bleed damage over 10 seconds.
Since the beginning of the encounter, you’ll see Keeper adds around the edges of the room that will periodically cast Seeking Flame, balls of fire targeted at random players. Since the balls travel slowly, they can be dodged easily.
Tanks will receive damage from Emberon’s Searing Clap, which does Fire damage to all players in front of him so you should definitely turn the boss away from the group when you see this ability coming. Whenever Emberon uses Searing Clap, the group will receive a Burning Heat dot that lasts for two seconds. This damage is unavoidable, so you’ll need to push through this.
Unstable Embers will place a circle around players that will explode after four seconds. When expiring, the rings will do AoE Fire damage to all players within seven yards. Whenever you get this debuff, move away from the group, continue DPSing, and wait until Unstable Embers explodes to move back to your original position.
The second phase of the encounter begins when Emberon reaches 100 energy, moves back to the center of the room, and activates adds to shield him from any incoming damage. While shielded, Emberon will pulsate with damage from Purging Flames and Fire Wave. During this phase, you’ll need to be on the move to avoid his heavy fire damage. The most important task you need to do is to kill every Vault Keeper so that they’ll stop channeling shield for the boss. After you take down the shield, you return to phase one and take down the boss.
Chrono-Lord Deios
The final boss of Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr is Chrono-Lord Deios. Beginning the encounter with 100 Temporal Energy, Chrono-Lord uses it to spawn Eternity Orbs. The orbs fall down from the ceiling dealing AoE damage when they hit the ground. They leave behind Eternity Zones that will do heavy Arcane damage to you and reduce your Haste by 30 percent if you step into it. The zones will grow in size until the boss runs out of energy.
Once the boss runs out of energy, he will cast Rewind Timeflow restoring his own energy and dealing damage to all players. During the cast, Eternity Orbs and Zones will turn into Temporal Orbs and Zones. While standing in Temporal Zones and Orbs, you’ll get 50 percent of Haste. During this window, you want to use all of your big cooldowns and get the boss as low as you can.
Chrono-Lord Deios also uses Wing Buffet, which does damage to all players and knocks them back. The spell is not interruptible.
The final ability this boss will use during the encounter is Sand Breath. This is mainly a tank mechanic, so you’ll need to face the boss away from the group once he starts casting it.
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr loot

The Lost Dwarves
Item category | Name of the item |
Leather Feet | Treads of the Swift |
Plate Head | Old Seafarer’s Headpiece |
Trinket | Homeland Raid Horn |
Mail Wrist | Fierce Boreal Armguards |
Shield | Stout Shield |
Cloth Waist | Lost Hero’s Waist Wrap |
Item category | Name of the item |
Plate Wrist | Excavated Earthen Wristslabs |
Leather Waist | Troggskin Waistband |
Mail Hands | Rock Shovelers |
Neck | Bromach’s Disentombed Locket |
Dagger | Unearthed Trogglodicer |
Cloth Legs | Miner’s Sturdy Trousers |
Sentinel Talondras
Item category | Name of the item |
Polearm | Sentinel’s Battle Lance |
Ring | Eternal Sentry’s Ring |
Leather Shoulder | Shoulders of Animated Stone |
Cloth Feet | Ancient Crosswrapped Sandals |
Trinket | Inexorable Resonator |
Item category | Name of the item |
Plate Hands | Keeper’s Iron Grips |
Leather Legs | Annora’s Punctured Leggings |
Mail Waist | Gatekeeper’s Girdle |
1H Mace | Bouldersplitter |
Gun | Vault Piercer |
Cloth Wrist | Animated Shackles |
Chrono-Lord Deios
Item category | Name of the item |
Leather Head | Vision of Foreshadowed Ends |
Mail Chest | Fatebound Chainmail |
Trinket | Time-Breaching Talon |
Staff | Infinite Dragonspire |
Cloth Legs | Crazed Traveler’s Legwraps |
Plate Shoulder | Pauldrons of Immutable Truth |
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Achievements
Achievement | Achievement description |
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr | Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr. |
Heroic: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr | Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Heroic difficulty or higher. |
Mythic: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr | Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic difficulty or Mythic Keystone difficulty. |
No, You’re Stunning! | Defeat Sentinel Talondras after simultaneously stunning both Sentinel Talondras and all party members in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic difficulty. |
Like Sands Through the Hourglass | Defeat Chrono-Lord Deios after catching every Eternity Orb as it falls to the ground in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic difficulty. |
It’s a Trogg Eat Trogg World | Defeat Bromach while 10 or more Stonevault Troggs are still alive in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr on Mythic difficulty. |
Keystone Hero: Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr | Complete Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit |
Published: Nov 18, 2022 2:57 PM UTC