Dragonflight launched on Nov. 28 and the World of Warcraft community is still catching up on all the newly-introduced content like the revamped reputation system now called Renown, profession overhaul with all its item qualities and profession stats, and wonders of the Dragon Isles simply waiting to be discovered. On top of that, we have season one, with wonders of Mythic+ dungeons, Arenas, and raid Vault of the Incarnates.
Not losing any steam, Blizzard Entertainment is introducing new features to the game left and right to improve the quality of life for all WoW players and to reward the community for continuous grind and time spend in the game. On Dec. 12, the devs revealed a new feature called the Trading Post is coming to Dragonflight. Designed as a pure cosmetics, mounts, and toys station, the Trading Post will be a place where you can pick up never-before-seen mounts and cosmetics.
If you’re interested in learning more about this neat feature in Dragonflight, here’s everything we know about the Trading Post, including what Trading Posts are, how to use them, their locations, and rotations.
What are Trading Posts in WoW Dragonflight?

The Trading Posts are the latest feature coming to Dragonflight that will allow you to collect various cosmetics, transmogs, pets, and mounts. The Trading Post will use a special currency called Trader’s Tender that you can earn by doing certain activities each month. After you’ve gathered enough Trader’s Tender, you can use it to buy mounts, pets, and transmogs that are in the current rotation.
Locations of the Trading Posts in WoW Dragonflight
The Trading Post can be found in the capital cities, Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Tawny and Wilder will set up their Trading Post just outside the Mage District and Zen’shiri’s Trading post will be next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar. Both vendors will have tons of mounts, transmogs, and pets on display, and you can freely choose between them, provided you have enough Trader’s Tender.
How to use the Trading Posts in WoW Dragonflight

To get your hands on these uniquely-designed cosmetics and mounts, you’ll need to have the only currency traders use—Trader’s Tender. Trader’s Tender is an account-wide currency you can get in two ways—simply logging in and heading to the Trading post and completing monthly activities. In total, you’ll get 1000 Trader’s Tender each month. If you don’t have an active subscription to WoW, all your Trader’s Tender will be waiting for you when you log back into the game.
For your monthly Trading Post activities, you’ll need to open your Traveler’s Log. There, you’ll find activities awarding Trader’s Tender for that month. Remember, both activities and items from the Trading Posts will rotate each month, so make sure to complete all of your activities before the time runs out. The offered activities will include both regular expansion activities like completing dungeons and quests, but it will also feature specifically designed activities for the Trading Posts. You can find all of your activities and progress in the Adventure Guide, the Traveler’s Log tab.
How often will items from the Trading Posts rotate in WoW Dragonflight?
The items offered in the Trading Posts will rotate once per month. So, if you’ve been eyeing that sweet mount or transmog, make sure to pick it up before the end of the month. Each new month will mean a new set of transmogs, mounts, pets, and toys for the Trading Post, as well as new activities that will award you Trader’s Tender.
Published: Dec 13, 2022 1:46 PM UTC