World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery is coming on Nov. 30. While I’m shivering with excitement, Blizzard is making the final tweaks to Classic realms to have them in perfect shape for the big release.
On Nov. 28, Blizzard revealed in a Blue Post that Honor decays will be entirely disabled starting Dec. 5.
“When the weekly Honor rollover occurs on December 5, you will no longer decay due to having not met the minimum Honor requirements for your rank. Please note that decay is not the same as the penalties incurred by earning dishonorable kills, which is now the only way a player can lose rank progress,” the Blue Post reads.

If you’re not an avid PvPer, let me quickly explain what this change means. In WoW Classic, the PvP system works a bit differently than in the modern-day game. You earn PvP ranks, titles, and sweet gear upgrades based on your weekly Honorable Kills and Contribution Points. But you have to continue the grind either in PvP battlegrounds or open-world even if you’re not planning on pushing your rank to the next level to avoid decay. If you decay, you lose access to all those rewards and have to grind to keep your rank. Thankfully, there will be no decay in Season of Discovery.
I believe this is a great change for the health of the game, especially for PvP realms where you’ll be, more often than not, farmed for Honor in the open world. Normally, this happens when a huge PvP guild takes over a certain zone to farm up on Honor, whether that may be to stop decaying or grind a new rank. Thankfully, this should go down to a minimum in Season of Discovery.
Published: Nov 29, 2023 8:09 AM UTC