The esports and gaming world is filled with organizations, developers, and brands that thoroughly enjoy giving fans a pre-announcement.
Announcing that you intend on announcing things is perhaps one of the staples of the industry, and as an esports organization owned by popular creators like Asmongold, Mizkif, and now Sodapoppin, One True King knows good and well how to prepare and market for a big reveal.
The organization posted a teaser video on Twitter today for something it’s ambiguously referring to as “Project Saturn.”
The eight-second video posted by the org’s official account tagged @ProjectSaturn and included the caption “Coming soon…” along with a date of Aug. 8—next Monday.
The video itself panned through an animated metropolitan skyline in the background. Moving the camera up, a shooting star erratically changed directions a few times before whizzing by the camera and again showing off the project’s name and reveal date.
While the organization didn’t give much more detail about the project, it did reply to its own post to specify what the group of streamers is most certainly not doing.
“No it’s not NFT or Crypto related,” the org posted. “We’ll do a big rug pull in a few years or something.”
Some of OTK’s owners and content creators have joked around about the idea of leveraging cryptocurrencies and NFTs but in honest moments have expressed that they are against getting into that particular market.
A Twitter account named “Project Saturn” that the organization tagged in its post has 4,488 followers at time of writing and it was created this June. All of its posts have come in the past day.
The account has replied to numerous OTK members’ responses to the Project Saturn announcement with various jokes. Its only standalone post is “August 8th” with a shooting star emoji that was made yesterday morning before OTK’s announcement.
Published: Aug 2, 2022 8:56 PM UTC