Starfield has some fantastic side missions, so it is a good thing you can return to areas whenever you wish. The mission Defensive Measures is an optional side mission, but one that is well worth completing in terms of both content and rewards.
This mission does not have any level requirements of Starfield story prerequisites; it can be obtained and completed at any time and ultimately leads to receiving a fantastic legendary rifle—the Despondent Assassin.
How to start the mission Defensive Measures in Starfield
This mission is very easy to obtain—all you’ll have to do is travel to Akila City and overhear an argument. If you’ve not been to Akila City before, you can find it within the Cheyenne System, which is northeast (not technically, but you know what I mean) of the Alpha Centauri System on the map. Within the Cheyenne System, locate the planet Akila, and find the landing point Akila City. Advancing the main Constellation story to the point of doing Sam Coe‘s mission will bring you to Akila City, but you can still travel here before that.
Upon landing in Akila City, go directly through the main gate. Almost immediately, you will see a large storefront, Shepherd’s General Store, on your left. Walk past the store, and immediately turn left. You should see a short stone staircase—walking up these stairs will bring you face to face with Davis, Bailey, and Keoni, who are in the middle of a heated argument. Approaching the group will automatically start the mission Defensive Measures.
Starfield: Defensive Measures mission walkthrough
Once you’ve started Defensive Measures, the requirements to complete the mission are very straightforward. You will overhear Davis and Keoni arguing about keeping Akila City safe, but will not hear specifics. At this point, you will automatically begin the mission, and your first task will be to listen to Davis’ side of the argument.
Listen to Davis’ Side of the argument
Simply speak to Davis. He will still be standing right where the mission started, and will now have a marker above him. Davis will explain that Keoni is an outsider trying to change the way Akila City has been kept safe for 70 years and that she is downright arrogant for thinking she knows anything about how things ought to be done around here. You know, reasonable stuff.
Up next, it’s time to get to the other side of the story.
Listen to Keoni’s side of the argument
Again, a marker will be given, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding Keoni—she may have walked away while you were speaking to Davis, but she won’t have gotten far.
Upon speaking to Keoni, you will learn that she is a scientist who is just trying to help make Akila City even safer, not change the way they’re currently doing things. She will also admit that her communication skills may not be top-notch.
Keoni will give you four sensors to place throughout Akila City but will be somewhat vague about what the sensors are for. “Data gathering” is all she offers up. Well, she wasn’t lying about her communication skills.
Place the four sensors
You will receive map markers for the four sensor locations, all of which are located within Akila City—it shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to place them all. Follow each marker, and you will be led to a spot of dirt that can be activated by pressing A/E. Activating the soil when prompted will automatically place a sensor.
After the fourth sensor has been placed, you will be prompted to return to Keoni and speak with her. I didn’t initially have a marker for this part, but toggling the mission to untracked and then back to tracked added one.

When you return to Keoni, she will tell you that she “failed to mention” one last necessity for the data, which is to hack into a terminal in Akila City to access the local network. She will do so herself but needs your help distracting the guard on duty so she can enter unseen. Seriously, Keoni was not lying about the poor communication thing.
Distract the guard
Keoni will give you a few ideas for how you can get the guard to leave his station. She suggests talking him into taking a break or causing a ruckus nearby. Conveniently, there are better ways. Fun fact—if Andreja is with you, she will like being told to get rid of the guard, and will suggest that sneaking up behind him to quickly and silently murder him is the safest bet. Less fun fact—if you murder the guard, Andreja will dislike it. What do you want from me, Andreja?!
You can either use Persuasion, give the guard 1,000 Credits, or simply be a Freestar Ranger. If you’re a Ranger, you will have the dialogue option to just ask him to leave without even needing to explain why. If you’re not a Ranger, Persuasion or a bribe will also work. If you’d like to join the Rangers before continuing, it is actually fairly simple to do so.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the guard, you will be prompted to speak to Keoni one final time. She will tell you that she’s now able to access the terminal and that you should check back with her tomorrow. At this point, Defensive Measures will be completed, and you will automatically begin the mission False Positives, for which the first task is to check back with Keoni after 24 hours have passed.
Completing False Positives and the mission that follows (Leader of the Pack) will award you the Despondent Assassin, a powerful legendary Old Earth Hunting Rifle.
Published: Sep 15, 2023 03:41 am