Spaceship combat is a core part of Starfield, as your ship not only acts as your primary means of transportation, but also your greatest weapon—and knowing outfitting your ship with the game’s best weapons is vital to fighting off pirates and zealots in space.
There are four types of ship weaponry: Ballistic, Lasers, Missiles, and Particle weapons. Each weapon type serves a special niche. For example, Ballistics are best for destroying a ship’s hull, while Lasers are better at depleting enemy shields.
Though all ship weapons may server different purposes, there are some that stand out among the rest. Here are our picks for the best ship weapons in Starfield.
Top Ship weapons in Starfield
5) Torch-P 250MW UV Pulse Laser
The Torch-P Pulse Laser is the single best laser weapon I have found in Starfield. As with most laser ship weapons, the hull damage is minimal, but the Torch-P excels at shredding enemy shields. Dealing 25 base shield damage, you won’t find many options better than the Torch-P.
You can find the Torch-P at a variety of ship technicians. The most convenient locations I have found are at the Deimos Shipyard on Mars in the Sol System and in the Red Mile on Porrima III in the Porrima System. This part will set you back around 29,600 Credits, unless you have a special discount from joining the UC Vanguard.
4) Atlatl 280C Missile Launcher
As the name may suggest, Missile Launchers are potentially the most destructive ship weapons in Starfield. The Atlatl 280C is the best weapon I have found so far for the Missile weapon type. This powerful tool spreads damage equally across hulls and shields, dealing 94 damage to both.

Unlike various other weapons on this list, the Atlatl 280Cs won’t break the bank either. Sold at the Red Mile, I only had to pay 730 Credits for the upgrade.
3) PB-30 Electron Beam
This Particle weapon is an extremely well-rounded tool that can act as your primary weapon in most space battles. Though the PB-30 Electron Beam is not absurdly strong, it has a reliable rate of fire and deals an even 13 damage across both shields and hulls.

The best place to purchase the PB-30 Electron Beam, along with various other parts and entire pre-built ships, is at the Demios Shipyard near Mars. The base price for the beam is 7,032 Credits. Though not too expensive, outfitting your ship with several can quickly add up.
2) Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam
The Disruptor 3300 Electron Beam is essentially the upgraded version of the previous PB-30. Similar to all Particle weapons, it deals damage on both hull and shield systems, though the Disruptor can deal a devastating 24 damage per hit. The range and rate of fire is also vastly improved.

Naturally, the Disruptor is among the more expensive light weapons to add to your ship. It will cost 9,298 Credits per Disruptor added. I recommend picking this up at the Demios Shipyard, though you can get it from several ship technicians around Starfield.
1) Vanguard Obliterator Auto-Projector
The Vanguard Obliterator is my personal favorite ship weapon in Starfield and the best for any space combat encounter. The Obliterator does 11 damage to both hull and shields while maintaining outstanding range and a 6.65 fire rate. The real draw of the Obliterator, however, is the damage stacking capabilities that can swiftly incapacitate most hostile vessels.

The Obliterator runs at 11,280 Credits without any discounts. I highly recommend avoiding getting a bounty for the United Colonies, as I have only found UC vendors are able to sell this powerful weapon.
Published: Sep 19, 2023 7:42 PM UTC