Mega Pokémon in Pokémon Go are among the strongest choices for raids or when taking on Team Rocket. For anyone planning to use Mega Lucario, it helps to know what attacks you should teach and give it the best moveset.
You can go with several options when considering the best attacks to give Mega Lucario. We can narrow down those choices to ensure you get the most out of your time having Mega Lucario in any Pokémon Go encounter. Here’s what you need to know about the best moveset and attacks you should teach Mega Lucario in Pokémon Go.
Mega Lucario’s best moveset in Pokémon Go

When using Mega Lucario in Pokémon Go, the best moveset to teach it is the fast move Force Palm and the charged moves Blaze Kick and Close Combat. Following Mega Lucario’s debut, it unlocks the ability to learn to use Force Palm, which is slightly on par with Counter, previously the better Fighting-type move.
When picking a fast attack, Counter was the go-to option for Lucario and many other Fighting-type Pokémon. With Mega Lucario, Lucario can now learn to use Force Palm, and it’s only a small upgrade from Counter. Still, an upgrade matters, and if you’re using Mega Lucario, Force Palm is the better option if you can afford it. Bullet Punch, another fast move Mega Lucario can learn, is not a good option and shouldn’t be considered.
Now, for the charged attack, you have several options for Mega Lucario, which can easily become overwhelming. These are all the charged attacks Mega Lucario can learn in Pokémon Go:
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)
- Blaze Kick (Fire-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Flash Cannon (Steel-type)
- Power-up Punch (Fighting-type)
- Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)
- Thunder Punch (Electric-type)
As outlined previously, from these many choices, Blaze Kick and Close Combat are the best options for Mega Lucario. Blaze Kick is an excellent Fire-type move, and Close Combat is the hardest-hitting Fighting-type move a Pokémon can learn in Pokémon Go. The downside to Close Combat is the debuff to Mega Lucario’s stats, but given its robust attack and defense power, you shouldn’t notice a huge hit to them throughout the fight.
Although Aura Sphere is another good choice, it doesn’t offer the same damage you can get from Close Combat. The same goes for Power-up Punch. You want to avoid using Flash Cannon as this only works on a handful of Steel-type Pokémon, and Shadow Ball and Thunder Punch are wasted on Mega Lucario.
Is Mega Lucario good in Pokémon Go?
When it comes to using a Mega Pokémon, Mega Lucario is a great choice. But Mega Hercaross has higher attack and defense stats. What makes Mega Lucario different is that it’s a Steel-type, which can make it more robust in Pokémon Go.
Mega Lucario can resist more attacks, but if a Pokémon exploits its weakness, it might not last too long in Pokémon Go. Having a Mega Lucario in your collection never hurts, but it’s not one of the stronger Mega Pokémon you could be using.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 04:00 pm