Just over 12 hours after teasing a Pokémon Go special announcement regarding a mysterious Raid Egg, Niantic posted another video revealing more information about whatever is about to be unveiled.
Along with all of the other clues that pointed to a Psychic-type being involved in the announcement, the new post had a plane flying around in the background with the number 677 on a banner trailing behind it.
The number 677 is only important because when you look it up in the National Pokédex, it brings up the Restraint Pokémon Espurr. The pure Psychic-type is one of several Pokémon that players guessed would be added as part of the Kalos update that’s bringing in a handful of generation six Pokémon in December.
Espurr was not announced as part of the first list of Kalos Pokémon, but the original post in the Go Beyond update is where the “mysterious Raid Egg” was first mentioned.
Now with the Pokédex number literally floating around in the background along with the silhouetted Psychic-type symbols and strange flashes of purple energy, Espurr is very likely to be added to the game. That also means its evolution, Meowstic, will also be available at some point soon.
We won’t actually know the full extent of what Niantic is teasing here until the raid timer reaches zero at around 1pm CT on Nov. 30.
Published: Nov 29, 2020 8:40 PM UTC