Pokémon Go Rising Heroes, the tenth season of Pokémon Go content, is bringing back Elite Raids—a more challenging form of Raids initiated by hatching special Raid Eggs after 24 hours.
Regieleki and Regidrago, two of the Legendary Titans introduced in Generation VIII, will appear in them between Mar. 11 and Apr. 9, in what’s shaping up to be another content-packed season with plenty of extra goodies.
But rather than being a cause for celebration, fans took to social media en masse to vent their frustration about Elite Raids, and the fact Regieleki and Regidrago will be exclusive.
One fan, for example, said “Elite Raids are so disappointing”—a sentiment shared by more than a hundred others. Another added to that, saying the disappointing part was putting Regieleki and Regidrago in them.
The reason why, according to another, is that history shows it can difficult to find others to team up with in Elite Raids, which, in the past, has caused them to finish the season without catching the Pokémon on offer.
They weren’t alone in their view. Many others agreed completely and even went a step further in their criticism, saying it made them feel like only people in larger cities could reap the benefits, while those in smaller ones had to miss out.
There will, of course, be players who enjoy the event and successfully catch Regieleki and Regidrago without issue, but the initial response from the community so far has been one of concern and frustration.
And to be frank, they’re entitled to feel that way too. The concept of Pokémon’s Elite Raids is inherently flawed. Those who manage to complete them during the initial hype and in populated areas typically don’t have any issues, but the same can’t be said for everyone else, and because of that, players often give up on trying.
Niantic should probably try to find a way around that moving forward if they want to continue putting exclusive Pokémon in them.
Sadly, that won’t happen this season since it’s already locked.
Published: Mar 1, 2023 1:31 AM UTC