As the seasons change, Niantic has started changing which Pokémon spawn in the various Pokémon Go Eggs, including in the event pool.
The Egg pool for Fall 2020 includes several new Shiny forms that are now available to hatch, regional exclusive Pokémon hatching within their specific regions, and the addition of Strange Eggs from a recent Team Rocket event, which take 12 km to hatch.
As always, there are multiple different Egg pools depending on where you get your Eggs, with the most common being from PokéStops, Gyms, or Gifts. Adventure Sync and Strange Eggs offer exclusive Pokémon not found in any other Eggs, so take advantage of those hatches before they change.
Here are all of the Pokémon you can find in Eggs when playing Pokémon Go, including all of the region-restricted and Shiny Pokémon.
PokéStops and Gyms
2km Eggs
- Swablu (Shiny)
- Buneary (Shiny)
- Wooper
- Snubbull (Shiny)
- Magikarp (Shiny)
- Buizel
- Zubat (Shiny)
- Cubone (Shiny)
- Mareep (Shiny)
- Minccino (Shiny)
- Poliwag (Shiny)
- Oshawott
- Snivy
- Tepig
- Wailmer (Shiny)
- Volbeat (Shiny)
- Europe, Asia, Oceania
- Illumise (Shiny)
- North and South America, Africa
5km Eggs
- Voltorb (Shiny)
- Aron (Shiny)
- Roggenrola (Shiny)
- Hippopotas (Shiny)
- Eevee (Shiny)
- Machop (Shiny)
- Seel (Shiny)
- Gothita
- Ralts (Shiny)
- Lickitung (Shiny)
- Feebas (Shiny)
- Solosis
- Pineco (Shiny)
- Blitzle
- Clamperl (Shiny)
- Farfetch’d (Shiny)
- Asia
- Kangaskhan (Shiny)
- Oceania
- Tauros (Shiny)
- USA (excluding South Florida) and Canada
- Heracross
- Central America and South America (including South Florida)
- Corsola
- Areas surrounding the equator, between 26 and 36 degrees latitudede
- Torkoal
- India and Southeast Asia
- Tropius
- Africa and surrounding areas
- Relicanth
- New Zealand and nearby islands
- Pachirisu
- Northern Canada, Russia, Alaska
- Mime Jr.
- Europe
- Pansage
- Asia-Pacific
- Pansear
- Europe and Africa
- Panpour
- Americas
- Maractus
- Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean
- Bouffalant
- New York City
10km Eggs
- Elgyem
- Timburr (Shiny)
- Klink (Shiny)
- Emolga
- Litwick
- Rufflet
- Gible (Shiny)
- Riolu (Shiny)
- Golett
- Shinx (Shiny)
- Axew
- Darumaka
- Audino
- Ferroseed
- Throh
- North and South America, Africa
- Sawk
- Europe, Asia, Australia
- Sigilyph
- Egypt and Greece
7km Eggs
- Cubone (Shiny)
- Mantyke
- Pichu (Shiny)
- Riolu (Shiny)
- Alolan Sandshrew (Shiny)
- Alolan Vulpix (Shiny)
- Alolan Diglett (Shiny)
- Alolan Meowth (Shiny)
- Galarian Meowth
- Alolan Geodude (Shiny)
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Farfetch’d
- Alolan Grimer (Shiny)
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Darumaka
- Galarian Stunfisk
Adventure Sync
5km Eggs (25km reward)
- Shelmet
- Karrablast
- Solosis
- Joltik
- Ducklett
- Gothita
10km Eggs (50km reward)
- Klink (Shiny)
- Beldum (Shiny)
- Emolga
- Gible (Shiny)
- Bagon (Shiny)
- Riolu (Shiny)
Strange Eggs
- Vullaby
- Trubbish
- Larvitar (Shiny)
- Absol (Shiny)
- Scraggy
- Pawniard
- Deino (Shiny)
- Sandile
Published: Nov 10, 2020 4:04 AM UTC