The Season of Light will officially debut on Sept. 1, bringing an entirely new season of content to Pokémon Go centered around the Legendary Nebula Pokémon, Cosmog, and its evolution line for Solgaleo and Lunala.
Running from Sept. 1 to Dec. 1, players will get several new Pokémon appearing in five-star raids and Mega Raids, a few new events, and some special bonuses that will be live throughout the entire season—outside of a sporadic new visual effect.
Most of the new Pokémon haven’t been revealed yet, but you can expect the blanks to be filled in as the September event details are shared in full. Until then, players will be left guessing with the current overview.
Most of this overview pertains just to September’s content roadmap, with a little bit of overlap with October. More information about season-spanning content or events that play into future content will also be revealed over the next month.
But for now, here is what we know about the intro month for the Season of Light.
Pokémon Go Season of Light Seasonal Bonuses
- Increased damage for Pokémon participating in raids remotely
- Guaranteed Gifts from PokéStop spins
- Increased Incense effectiveness while moving
- Up to two free Raid Passes per day
- Increased Stardust reward for Research Breakthroughs
- Extra Stardust from Gifts
- Nebula skies will be appearing periodically during the Season
- Complete Special Research to unlock new components over the course of the Season
Pokémon Go September five-star and Mega Raid list
- Five-star raids
- Sept. 1 to 13: Normal Forme Deoxys, Attack Forme Deoxys, Defense Forme Deoxys, Speed Forme Deoxys
- Sept. 13 to 27: TBA
- Sept. 27 to Oct. 8: Yveltal
- Mega Raids
- Sept. 1 to 6: Mega Ampharos
- Sept. 6 to 16: TBA
- Sept. 16 to 27: TBA
- Sept. 27 to Oct. 8: Mega Lopunny
Pokémon Go September event schedule
- Sept. 3: Inkay Limited Research Day (new)
- Sept. 6 to 12: Psychic Spectacular
- Sept. 10: Clefairy Commotion (new)
- Sept. 11: Deoxys Raid Day
- Sept. 16 to 21: Test Your Mettle (new)
- Sept. 18: September Community Day
- Sept. 23 to 25: Safari Zone: Goyang and tie-in (new)
- Sept. 27 to Oct. 3: Fashion Week 2022
Pokémon Go September Raid Day hours
Runs from 6pm to 7pm local time every Wednesday, with the following Pokémon featured on the following dates:
- Sept. 7: Normal Forme Deoxys, Attack Forme Deoxys, Defense Forme Deoxys, Speed Forme Deoxys
- Sept. 14: TBA
- Sept. 21: TBA
- Sept. 28: Yveltal
Pokémon Go September Spotlight Hours
Runs from 6pm to 7pm local time every Tuesday, with the following Pokémon featured on the following dates:
- Sept. 6: Munna | Double Stardust for catching Pokémon
- Sept. 13: Ralts | Double XP for catching Pokémon
- Sept. 20: Aron | Double Candy for catching Pokémon
- Sept. 27: Minccino | Double Candy for transferring Pokémon
Published: Aug 30, 2022 5:00 PM UTC