Overwatch 2’s ninth support hero is finally here. The plant-based pretty boy Lifeweaver has arrived, and his flowers and trees are coming with him.
Lifeweaver’s ability kit is quite niche, and while none of his abilities stand out in comparison to meta mainstay plays like Ana’s Biotic Grenade or Kiriko’s Protection Suzu, he’s got some tricks up his sleeve that can be annoying unless you pick the right heroes if he’s giving you problems.
Related: Who is Lifeweaver? The lore and story behind Overwatch 2’s flower-themed support hero
Here’s a short list of heroes to use against Lifeweaver in the new support hero’s early days in OW2 as the meta shakes out around him.
Best Lifeweaver counters in Overwatch 2
Best DPS heroes to play against Lifeweaver

The purple shadow known as Sombra is an annoyance for any support hero to deal with—and Lifeweaver is no exception. Her ability to hack and pick off the backline affects him too, and her EMP ultimate will take out Lifeweaver’s ultimate, completely nullifying the ability.
Widowmaker and Hanzo
As Lifeweaver’s only damage-dealing ability is a spray of projectiles that falls off at a distance, snipers should be able to have a field day with taking Lifeweaver out from afar, especially with his giant hairdo making for a big headshot target.
Pharah and Genji
Characters who offer good movement skills and verticality are going to be a big problem for Lifeweaver. When he uses his Petal Platform to get out of harm’s way, Pharah just does not care. The same goes for Genji, who can dash up to it and take him out.
Soldier: 76
Jack is able to run Lifeweaver down with his sprint ability, and when Lifeweaver uses his Petal Platform to lift himself up and out of harm’s way, Soldier can still use his primary and alternate fire to hit him from a distance or even take the Petal out of the sky swiftly.
Best tanks to play against Lifeweaver

Ramattra’s Nemesis Form is a nightmare for Lifeweaver to deal with. When the omnic tank goes into big boy mode, you need to use Lifeweaver’s movement ability to dash away and hope for some friendly help. But his DPS output isn’t enough to deal with Ramattra.
The same as Pharah, Doomfist is a nightmare for Lifeweaver and his Petal Platform. Doomfist can easily close the gap and knock him off the platform with swiftness.
While Roadhog might not have his one-shot hook ability anymore (at least not without some extra steps), the Lifeweaver vs. Roadhog battles are hilarious as they are the two members of the hero pool who can yoink the same hero and basically play tug of war with them.
It’s pretty satisfying on either end of the play. The “never hook first as Roadhog” rule applies here with Lifeweaver too, who can use his Life Grip ability to save any ally that’s been hooked by Roadhog. But Roadhog can do the same if he waits out Life Grip, and the results are just funny.
Reinhardt and Sigma
Lifeweaver can’t heal his allies through enemy shields, so Reinhardt and Sigma both have a leg up as tanks when it comes to countering Lifeweaver. While Lifeweaver should stay on the backline, he can easily be prevented from healing allies and be forced to use Life Grip to bring them back to where they can be saved.
Best support heroes to play against Lifeweaver

Ana’s Biotic Grenade will prevent Lifeweaver from healing, and his Life Grip ability will make them immune for the duration of it but won’t cleanse the anti-heal from the grenade. Ana’s ability to snipe from a distance also makes her a problem for Lifeweaver in any potential one-vs-one battle.
With Lifeweaver’s weak damage output, Mercy’s Caduceus Staff will out-heal just about anything he can do. Mercy’s damage beam will also be a problem for Lifeweaver’s slow healing output to keep up with when trying to keep teammates in the fight.
This article will be updated over time as more counter-picks are discovered once Lifeweaver is released onto the OW2 servers for everyone to play.
Published: Apr 6, 2023 01:00 pm