On Thursday, Riot Games staffer Richard “RiotMapleNectar” Henkel posted a table of the League of Legends champions on the balance team’s chopping block for Patch 9.5.
Both Conqueror and Aftershock are on the list of nerfs. Before anyone gets their hopes up, however, MapleNectar clarified that only Aftershock’s resistances have been adjusted to falloff at 2.5 seconds. On the other hand, however, Conqueror has seen a drastic drop in adaptive force at later levels on the Public Beta Environment, a nerf that would lower the rune’s mid to late game strength and help reduce the healing champions receive in extended team fights.
Nunu & Willump are one of only two champions on the list of nerfs for Patch 9.5. As one of the strongest tank junglers in the meta currently, Nunu & Willump hold a 55 percent win rate in the role. On the PBE, both the champion’s base health and healing on Consume (Q) are lowered, a nerf that would target his sustain if pushed with the patch’s release.
Recently in pro play, Yorick became a popular option in the top lane, often as an answer to Urgot, due to buffs the champion received in Patch 9.2. Likewise, the champion has excelled in lower elos because of how many players just don’t know how to play against him. In addition to the changes to Conqueror, Yorick will see a few additional nerfs, mainly to his ultimate ability, Eulogy of the Isles. According to MapleNectar, Yorick’s Maiden will likely see less bonus attack damage at earlier levels and do less percent damage to a target’s overall health.
Ten champions fall onto the list of buffs. Most notably, both Graves and Gangplank are set to receive a bit of additional love from Riot. While it’s still unclear what changes Graves could see, MapleNectar laid out the direction the team is looking to take with Gangplank, listing buffs to the champion’s Powder Keg (E) and Cannon Barrage (R).
Patch 9.5 is set to release sometime next week, so there’s still enough time for the list of champions to change.
Published: Feb 27, 2019 5:56 PM UTC